May 22

civil war reenactment southern california 2022list of bands who have played at the cavern

WebAnnual Civil War Reenactment Event Annual Harvest Festival Event 2nd Saturday in November The Annual Civil War Reenactment event is coming in March 2023! Duncans Mills, CA In the late 1970s, Riverside County acquired the property from descendants and restored the decaying ranch buildings to their former glory. Cornelius Jensena retired sea captain-turned businessman-turned ranchermoved to southern California to marry into the prominent Alvarado family. Web2023-2024 Civil War & Other Historical Reenactment Events. Fort Tejon exit off I-5 Remembrance Day, Saturday, November 14, 2020 2:00 pm FREE With over 40 members, todays 69th strives to be a family oriented reenacting unit that encourages participation by whole family groups as well as single members. Guided Darrell Rivers, Event Director, Kelly Rivers, President - HB Historical Society Wet-plate ALL ARE WELCOME! Web2022 Schedule Our Purpose What does a soldier do? Middleton, CA February 15-16, 2020, 9 a.m. - 5 War Camp Site, Two show battles with living history and encampment tours daily. We are currently a charter member of C.R.A.I.C. Come on down and enjoy the battle, corn maze, attractions, food and more! 12261 S. Oak Glen Road entertainment. Thats not to say that Civil War re-enactors fail to discuss slavery. Be sure to check out the event's website to buy tickets or get up-to-date information before attending the event! Nearly 1,000 re-enactors typically showed up for the two-day event that included camping out in Angels Gate Park where the museum a former Army base from 1917-72 is located. remember the sacrifice of Drum Barracks' fallen soldiers. a dozen Civil War reenactments each year. Saturday, September 2, 2017 Red Bluff, CA, MONTAGUE: Montague Civil War Days May 15-17, 2020 By appointment Only, $5 per adult | $3 per child | $1 dogs It is our desire to preserve history but also to have fun doing it. their passions for honoring those who died in one America's most famous They meet monthly to practice building maps, fortifications and old-school signaling devices. Plan Your Trip with our2023 Inspiration Guide, Saturday, July 16, 2022 - Sunday, July 17, 2022, People fire a cannon and it creates smoke, 1/4 mile down Freezeout Road, off Moscow Road, 25381 Steelhead Blvd., Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 25387 Steelhead Blvd., Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 25377 Steelhead Drive, Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 25275 Steelhead Blvd., Duncans Mills, CA 95430, Highway 116 and Moscow Road, Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 25193 Main Street, Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 25185 Highway 116, Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 25200 Highway 116, Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 25179 Highway 116, Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 25171 Highway 116, Duncans Mills, CA 95430, 22855 Moscow Road, Duncans Mills, CA 95430, Civil War Days - Cancelled for 2022 Facebook, Jim and Willie's Antiques and Collectibles. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lebec, CA take place throughout the weekend. Tours for groups of 40+ people are available on Fridays by appointment only. 11 and 2 PM. Hardly. See what life was like for a Civil War Soldier of the blue and ACWS Supported. This biannual event recreates a winter encampment of the Civil War era, with living history Union and Confederate soldiers setting up opposing camps. 1405 Sliger Mine Road Today, visitors can tour the brick ranch house, outbuildings and large winery, which is now used as an interpretive center. Living history is one of the best ways to literally make history come alive for people.. Reenactment Military Through the Ages March 18 - 19, 2023 76 miles northwest of Los Angeles along the "Grapevine" section of the I-5 freeway, via the Fort Tejon exit (Exit 210 heading north or south). For more information about the 69th N.Y.S.V. The events held throughout California often feature vendors selling Civil War era replica If you are enthusiastic about learning and teaching Civil War history, preserving the memories of those who served on both sides of that great and terrible conflict, and enjoy rustic encampments and good camaraderie, then this is the place for you! Reenactment Military Through the Ages March 18 - 19, 2023 WebVisit Huntington Beach Historical Society 26th annual civil war days, Southern California's largest civil war reenactment. Saturday, October 7, 2017 ADDRESS 4307 Briggs Street Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 Phone: (951) 369-6055 or (800) 234-PARK (7275) HISTORY This event is facilitated by hundreds of dedicated volunteers portraying people from all walks of life, and as always, our events are free to the public. Travel back in time and interact with the soldiers, cavalry and civilians of the 1860s throughout our reenactor camps. and artillery shells in one of the longest-running historic reenactments in Public group. You will be amazed at the science and technology of the 19th century! a twilight battle on Saturday night. 1:30PM - 18th Century Dancing with the Anza Colonial Dancers of New Spain, 2:15PM - Great Moments with Dr. Franklin For a nonpolitical and purely educational examination of American history, though, theres the Huntington Beach Civil War Days. John Downey, an Angeleno and governor of California in 1860, was a secessionist sympathizer; the same held true for Los Angeles mayor, Los Angeles former assemblyman and its former state senator. - The Battle of Camden - 1780, 11:45AM - An Audience with the Founders: -Foundations of Our New Republic, 12PM The Wahingtons in Camp Geo. American Civil War Association (ACWA) is the Historical Montague, CA, WILLOWS: Memorial Day Salute May 31, 2020 Meet President Lincoln, General Grant, and many many other historical figures from the war and participate in discussions on important topics of the era from slavery and and the prosecution of the war to relations with Native Americans and countries like Britain and France. OAK GLEN: Rileys Farm Civil War ongoing Talks and demonstrations are held throughout the day. The vast majority of reenactors belong to individual units, portraying a particular infantry or Here. Confederate Brigade Commander - Colonel Scott Parish. Visit "Reedsburg", the historic town of civilian folk to learn about daily life in the 19th century. Enjoy self-guided tours of the museum, a Civil War brass band, Setup begins Friday 11 Feb. at 10AM - enter off Gothard between Slater & Talbert Ave. ; Credit: Dani Stephan, Ciel Spa aka @CielSpaBH located the SLS Hotel i, Welcoming over 100,000 people every year, what beg, The holiday season is a time of giving! WebThe Huntington Beach Historical Society is proud to host this reenactment of the American Revolution in Huntington Beach Central Park, behind the library, on the site of our annual Civil War Days reenactment. Meet President Lincoln, General Grant, and other historical figures. p.m. WebOur members come from all walks of life and reside in many areas throughout the Southland. Vice President - Dale Mossberger. Civil War Alliance. Come out to see this grand display this Labor Day Weekend! Combined Eastern and Pacific Theater event in historic site with buildings dating back to 1850s. A Century Old Tradition of Education & Patriotism, The Huntington Beach Historical Society welcomes you to this glorious event that is always free to the public. All Rights Reserved. Visit Huntington Beach Historical Society 26th annual civil war days, Southern California's largest civil war reenactment. Relive a day out of the past. The Civil War Re-enactments and Living History events we attend are also very varied in location and are conveniently scheduled throughout the year. They take place at Huntington Beach Central Park this year on Sept. 2 and 3. Army Horsemanship Military Drill Please note, that this is a listing website, we provide the listings as a free service. Scout Battle - Saturday 3 p.m. Huff and Wheeler Road, Imperial California Imperial Valley Historical Association, 2022 69th NYSV Company C. All rights reserved. Event Coordinator: Skott Borello, Captain 9th Virginia Cav. Civil SIMI VALLEY: Civil War Days March 7-8, 2020 hearing Abraham Lincoln recite the Living History WebVisit Huntington Beach Historical Society 26th annual civil war days, Southern California's largest civil war reenactment. thunder of cannon and musket fire. Unit commanders must check in with the event director or reenactor coordinator. Experience frontier California life of the 1850s and 1860s For the ashes of his fathers Civil War Weekend will return to Hale Farm & Village, August 13th & 14th, 2022! Mail the below release with the $5 fee to: Reenactors may also register the day of the event at the Registration Booth. Stop by the Historical Society tent for refreshments and visit the many sutlers to find a historic souvenir, book, or clothing. Scenarios will develop as terrain and imagination dictate. Infantry - Cavalry - Artillery Watch skirmishes and tactics used in the eastern I hear therell be horses. Nearly 1,000 re-enactors typically showed up for the two-day event that included camping out in Angels Gate Park where the museum a former Army base from 1917-72 is located. tours of the museum, and a gigantic book sale. and horse-drawn trolley rides. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. HUNTINGTON BEACH: Sat. The unit takes part in battle reenactments and Living History demonstrations while portraying the finest artillery unit of the Confederacy. Children watching these mock battles do reality checks with their parents Please register only if you are currently a reenactor. As always these events are absolutely free to the public. Barbecue and take in the camp. 10AM - Britih Regimental Court Martial cityofchino.orgBattle Schedule Show Battle tentative All proceeds support the artillery horses of the California Historical Artillery Society. Harvey Weinstein Gets 16-Year-Sentence For Sexual Abuse Charges In L.A. Gallery: Bravos Top Chef Brings The Best Of Britain To Hancock Park, Regarding Her Celebrates Womens History Month, A Stabby Meal at Chain and Tea Returns To The Biltmore Heres Whats Popping Up. The 154th Gettysburg Battle Anniversary Re-enactment will take place July 2-3, 2022 marking the most significant and longest-tenured of all Civil War reenactments. The residence of Brigadier General Phineas Banning was built in 1864 VISALIA: Civil War, A Living History March 4-5, 2017 Vol in 1864 At that time the regiment would have just been re-supplied with new recruits, equipment, uniforms, tents and they would have been eating well for the first time in many months. Central Park As I wandered the grounds of the Civil War Days in Santa Ana, I couldnt help but think how fitting it was that Orange County, the seat of the Disney empire, is also the host of Southern Californias largest re-enactment event. ANGEL ISLAND: Angels Island Civil War Commemoration June 10-11, 2017 7111 Talbert Avenue (behind Central Library) Click Here to learn more about the history of Riverside County! Alfalfa Feed and water for horses will be provide, if your horses have special diets you will need to provide your own feed. Soldiers and a horse Talk with soldiers who grumble about fatigue details. Furthermore, next years event coincides with the days of the battle in 1863 that resulted in 51,000 casualties and foreshadowed the end of the Southern cause. Fort Tejon State Park DUNCANS MILLS: Civil War Days July 25-26, 2020 10:45 AM - Sword Demonstration -Fencing with Major Beaumont, FRESNO: Fresno Annual Civil War Revisited October 21-22, 2017 This event includes: Battle reenactment. Fresno, CA The Ulysses S. Grant is a professional living historian who flies out from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, specifically for this event. Horatius, xxvii At these encampments members met to reminisce about their service, promote veterans advocacy, and to teach people about the War, and the history of our country. Come experience the founding of our nation with some of the country's finest living history presenters. Built by retired sea-captain Cornelius Jensen and his wife Mercedes Alvarado in the early 1870s, today this historic ranch preserves the rhythm of farm life from a time before even citrus was king. actually. This biannual event recreates a winter encampment of the Civil War era, with living history Union and Confederate soldiers setting up opposing camps. Drum Barracks infantrydan 16700 South Euclid Avenue Also available, Infantry, Mounted Cavalry and full scale artillery Saturday, December 2, 2017 WebCivil War Reenactments CHOOSE MONTH CHOOSE STATE CITY WITHIN MILES Add Event MAP Event Schedule Battle of Aiken Aiken, South Carolina Feb 24 to Feb 26, 2023 The Battle of Tannehill Furnace McCalla, Alabama Mar 03 to Mar 05, 2023 Battle of Natural Bridge Tallahassee, Florida Mar 03 to Mar 05, 2023 Battle for Broxton Bridge Ehrhardt, South 2023 Update - due to major schedule conflicts we are unfortunately postponing The Revolution until February 2024. Civilian Coordinator - Nickolas Marinelli. As living historians it is our mission to educate the general public about this time in our great countys history and to honor the memories of those who lived and died during the War Between the States. The events Civil War Weekend will return to Hale Farm & Village, August 13th & 14th, 2022! These reenactments are the most popular in the United States, but events are held all over the world. $10 day, Weekend Pass $15, $10 parking Civil War re-enacting is one of those activities whose predominance on the East Coast belies its fervent following in Southern California. Battle times: 1 & 3:30 p.m. Saturday Reenactors, military and civilians are welcome and encouraged to participate in this But what with revisionist histories in the works and white nationalists stomping through the streets of American cities, Civil War re-enactments PG version of the brutal racism of the era is at odds with the savage reality of our nations past and present. Nearly 1,000 re-enactors typically showed up for the two-day event that included camping out in Angels Gate Park where the museum a former Army base from 1917-72 is located. Reenactment Battle of Round Mountain March 11 - 13, 2022 Next event will take place in 2024. The Alvarados had lived in what is now California since the 1770s, and when Cornelius met friends of the family in Sacramento (where he was operating a store during the gold rush) he saw an opportunity to integrate into the local Californio, or Hispanic, society. check out the rest of the website or contact. and civilians, camp laundress, sewing, and more. Reenactor Swap Meet - 9AM Saturday (Sutler Circle Picnic Tables), NW Corner of Ellis & Goldenwest. President Lincoln takes a break from his Washington duties to give a speech on the steps of our Strathearn House, 10:30AM Artillery Demontration WebOur members come from all walks of life and reside in many areas throughout the Southland. Call (415) 556-1693 or go to for more information. Open to the public, takes place when there are 60 people minimum, geared March 10-12 are optional rain days These events began around the same time as our famous Civil War Days events and we are proud to now be expanding the Revolution into HB Central Park. The Confederate soldier next to me curses as the owner of the Iron Pear Tree Inn hands me a stack of Union dollars. SpouseParentChildSiblingFamily memberOther, Sweet James has my permission to help provide a free police report, Union and Confederate soldiers keep politics out of it at Santa Ana Civil War Days at the Heritage Museum. Freezeout Rd. 2023 Update - due to major schedule conflicts we are unfortunately postponing, 12:30PM -Great Moments with Dr. Franklin , 1:45 PM -An Audience with the Founders: , The Drafting of a Declaration of Independency, 2:45PM The Council of War - Wahington & His Generals, 3:30PM - 18th Century Dancing with the Anza Colonial Dancers of New Spain, 4:15PM -Gen. Steuben's Drill Intruction, 12:30PM - The Council of War Wahington & His Generals, 1:15PM - Gen. Steuben's Drill Intruction , 2:15PM - Great Moments with Dr. Franklin . 1856. throughout the day - medical demos, musician--fife / drum and brass band-- Civil War Days hosts reenactors from all over the United States, each living historians with their ownimpressionsof people whom lived 160 years ago. Gettysburg Address or Jefferson KCET notes that Judge Benjamin Hayes wrote, The tone of the people here [Los Angeles] is Southern to a greater extent than might be supposed., I have found that history can seem very far away to people here as compared to other places, says Stephanie Tiedt, a volunteer with the Huntington Beach event. Candlelight Tour. including two battles each day, AND Battles start at 11am and 2pm today. Day, a special flag raising ceremony is usually held along with one battle. Drum Barracks Knights Ferry Recreation Area, RANCHO DOMINGUEZ: Sat. Reenactors bunk overnight in historic buildings on site, with beautiful view of San Francisco Bay. Sergeants drill groups of local boys and girls curious to experience military life. Loaner uniforms are provided to new recruits, and the unit field mess is always in operation! The Huntington Beach Historical Society welcomes you to this glorious event that is always free to the public. Simi Valley, CA This is the chance to use your mind and skills. (909) 590-5797 Thanksto all who participated! (831) 335-4484 and are assured that no one is hurt. Calico Ghost Town Civil War Reenactment WILMINGTON: Drum Barracks Civil War Events 2020 Confederate Brigade Commander - Colonel Scott Parish. Vice President - Dale Mossberger. photography, the telegraph, iron clad ships and submarines, these are just some Use tab to navigate through the menu items. WebCivil War Reenactments CHOOSE MONTH CHOOSE STATE CITY WITHIN MILES Add Event MAP Event Schedule Battle of Aiken Aiken, South Carolina Feb 24 to Feb 26, 2023 The Battle of Tannehill Furnace McCalla, Alabama Mar 03 to Mar 05, 2023 Battle of Natural Bridge Tallahassee, Florida Mar 03 to Mar 05, 2023 Battle for Broxton Bridge Ehrhardt, South -The Battle of Lexington - 1775, 1:45 PM -An Audience with the Founders: The Drafting of a Declaration of Independency, 2:15PM The Wahingtons in Camp -Geo. The Annual Civil War Reenactment event is coming in March 2023! Schedule Subject to Change. Barracks. Pre-Registered Reenactors will receivve two extra raffle tickets for the Reenactor Raffle on Sunday. of period sutlers and food vendors Treasurer - Michael Hearty. a dozen Civil War reenactments each year. War reenactment west of the Rockies at the camps which the public are Jensen Alvarado Historic Ranch and Museum, located in Riverside off of the 60 Freeway and Rubidoux Blvd., is a 30-acre farm and home to the historic ranch built by Cornelius Jensen and his wife Mercedes Alvarado in 1870. town, cooking and sewing, and other The Annual Civil War Reenactment event is coming in March 2023! Two days are devoted to school education and interaction -- school days. Than facing fearful odds, Drum Barracks Civil War Museum and Banning Museum will join together to a dozen Civil War reenactments each year. 4PM - Musick Clasics of the 70s & 80s ft. Dead Mans Waitcoat, 4:15PM -Gen. Steuben's Drill Intruction Come take a step back in time and join with the men, women and children of Fort Tejon. Weapons Demonstrations Officer's Quarters Public group. WebThe Richmond Howitzer Battalion is the premier Civil War artillery reenactor unit west of the Mississippi, and the largest Civil War reenactor unit in California. of Chino, San Bernardino County Regional Parks, surrounding communities and the Public group. For all who missed it, please consider coming next year.Ed Mann, The Alliance conducts events throughout the year over most of Southern California. For CWA event information, please go. 11AM - The First Nations at War -Native Americans in the Revolution Redding, CA, RED BLUFF: Dog Island Civil War Days April 24-26, 2020 After purchasing property from landowner Louis Rubidoux, Cornelius built the only non-adobe house in the area and moved his family to his new ranch in 1870. The Huntington Beach Historical Society is proud to host the 28th annual Civil War Days Living History Event in Huntington Beach Central Park during the 160th anniversary of America's Civil War. Civilian Coordinator - Nickolas Marinelli. it was like to be a slave. toward 8th grade curriculum but great learning experience for all ages. The vast majority of reenactors belong to individual units, portraying a particular infantry or cavalry company, or artillery battery. Northern California nonprofit Saturday evening dance held in restored 1860s dance hall. Secretary - Andrew Ewy. Visit our events calendar for more info! $15 admission, Rounders 19th Century bat and ball game on Sunday. Web2023 Board of Directors: President - Alaina Young. Sunday battles are at 10:30 a.m., 12 Noon, and 1:30 p.m. Talk to a blacksmith, learn how a cook prepared food for soldiers, and For more information about the 69th N.Y.S.V. The year is 2017 but the setting is 1863. Come out to see this grand display this Labor Day Weekend! We as a re-enactment community have a lot more to prove because theres a stigma from the East Coast that California re-enactors are unauthentic, says Darrell Rivers, whose family has been running the Huntington Beach event since 1993. In Sutler Circle On Battlefield, Grants HQ + Quartermaster Depot, Units should coordinate with their chain of command, individuals & civilians email, Civil War Days hosts reenactors from all over the United States, each living historians with their own, Stop by the Historical Society tent for refreshments and visit the many. Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. | Sunday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. WebThe Richmond Howitzer Battalion is the premier Civil War artillery reenactor unit west of the Mississippi, and the largest Civil War reenactor unit in California. 10 am to 5 pm Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum, 18127 Alameda St., Rancho Watch recreation of the military tactics and manoeuvres of the 19th century. Civil War in the Western United States at Kearney Park, Fresno, Sutler (Civil War era vendor). This first event hosted no more than thirty reenactors with a single cannon. Come experience the founding of our nation with some of the country's finest living history presenters. Mariposa Ranch, includes tactical foot and horse skirmishes Saturday, April 1, 2017 Ranch, nestled in the beautiful Sierra Foothills of Northern California. and Sun., September 2-3, 2017 on Longs' are both jammed full of events Living History Day and prepares for the day's campaign. OAKDALE March 11, 2017 Living History You can also enjoy lectures, self-guided Civil War Days - Cancelled for 2022 Saturday, July 16, 2022 - Sunday, July 17, 2022 9:00am-3:00pm Previous Next Location Freezeout Canyon 1/4 mile down Freezeout Road, off Moscow Road Duncans Mills, CA, 95430 Get Directions Contact California Historical Artillery Society Local: 707-922-5901 Email: WebAnnual Civil War Reenactment Event Annual Harvest Festival Event 2nd Saturday in November The Annual Civil War Reenactment event is coming in March 2023! Death cometh soon or late, The 154th Gettysburg Battle Anniversary Re-enactment will take place July 2-3, 2022 marking the most significant and longest-tenured of all Civil War reenactments. Willows, CA, GRAEAGLE: Graeagle Civil War Days July 4-5, 2020 Military camps and civilian town open for public. Kearney Park Civil War re-enacting is one of those activities whose predominance on the East Coast belies its fervent following in Southern California. Take a tour by a Park Volunteer to learn about California's role in the Civil War. Skirmishes, as well as artillery, infantry and cavalry demonstrations CHINO: Prado Regional Park April 2-3, 2016 Please note: plan your date in advance, we book the entire school year by October. Frontier Army Days Demonstrations may include Presently fielding eight full-scale guns, two of which are original 1862 Ordnance Rifles, the battalion is in need of cannoneers interested in portraying and honoring those brave Virginians who offered their lives in defense of the sacred soil of Virginia. Furthermore, next years event coincides with the days of the battle in 1863 that resulted in 51,000 casualties and foreshadowed the end of the Southern cause. There are even two horses added to the mix. The units range from military to civilian balloon corps, engineering corps, post office workers, abolitionist societies and will meet once a month to run drills, have meals and socialize. Sunday 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Civil War Days - Cancelled for 2022 Saturday, July 16, 2022 - Sunday, July 17, 2022 9:00am-3:00pm Previous Next Location Freezeout Canyon 1/4 mile down Freezeout Road, off Moscow Road Duncans Mills, CA, 95430 Get Directions Contact California Historical Artillery Society Local: 707-922-5901 Email: After pitching money into the growing pot, I spin and land on a side labeled TA. Take all. And how can man die better Reenactment Battle of Round Mountain March 11 - 13, 2022 Next event will take place in 2024. ADDRESS 4307 Briggs Street Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 Phone: (951) 369-6055 or (800) 234-PARK (7275) HISTORY Quite a bit Treasurer - Michael Hearty. Sunday 2 at 2 p.m. Vice President - Dale Mossberger. Davis as he dispels the rumors from WebCivil War Days hosts reenactors from all over the United States, each living historians with their own impressions of people whom lived 160 years ago. Our Civil War Days event will proceed as scheduled in September. Park Schedule WebCivil War Reenactment Beaver Creek State Park East Liverpool, OH Civil War Reenactment & Living History Powerland Heritage Park Brooks, OR Duncans Mills Civil War Days California Historical Artillery Society Duncans Mills, CA Lake County Civil War Days Wauconda, IL Living History in Huntington Central Park, Southern California's Largest Living History Event. occur every hour on the half hour. 23900 Temescal Canyon Road on the actual site of this grant on over 60 acres of Longs' Mariposa dogs and hamburgers, but sometimes include ears of corn cooked on the grill. Saturday, November 4, 2017 11:30AM -His Majesty's Forces' Manual of Arms -Marching with Britih Soldiers, 12PM His Majestys Generals General Howe & His Officers, 12:30PM -Great Moments with Dr. Franklin California. Knight's Ferry is a park in the foothills of the Sierras 12 miles east of Oakdale on Mariposa, CA 110 W. High Street Saturday and Sunday Scan the below release and email to The pots mine. OERM, The guns fired don't actually have Tubman, Sojourner Truth, and Clara Huntington Beach, CA Saturday 1 & 5 p.m. About The American Civil War Society, LEBEC: Civil War Event Fort Tejon State Historic June 3-4, 2017 pretty convincing as soldiers drop to the ground as if they'd been struck. A member organization of the Civil War Alliance. Prado Regional Park For technical or content issues - please e-mail our. Californians like to think of their role in the conflict as apolitical. Saturday, August 5, 2017 Our portrayal of the 69th is as it would have been in camp in the spring of 1864. Meet President Lincoln, General Grant, and other historical figures. Now we are proud continue Huntington Beach's tradition by promoting historical education and understanding in our community through Civil War Days. Web2022 Schedule Our Purpose What does a soldier do? Hear the musketoons fire, the blast of the cannon, and see clothing of the era. WebCivil War Days hosts reenactors from all over the United States, each living historians with their own impressions of people whom lived 160 years ago. Mooney Grove Park Battle Times: Sat: 1:30 and 4 PM / Sun: Early morning mists over the battlefield (2004). This historic site affords visitors a peek into the past, depicting Southern California life as it was lived in the 1880s. This biannual event recreates a winter encampment of the Civil War era, with living history Union and Confederate soldiers setting up opposing camps. to learn more about the history of Riverside County! Web2023 Board of Directors: President - Alaina Young. Visit our events calendar for more info! would have been used in a real battlefield,) but the special effects are Join us at 10:00 am at Banning event, civility shines through as you meet the participants and learn about Spend as much time reenacting as your personal schedule allows each year. Todays 69th N.Y.S.V. Civil War Weekend will return to Hale Farm & Village, August 13th & 14th, 2022! WebReenactment of the Civil war At Civil war reenactments, reenactors recreate the battles, daily lives and most important events that happened during the Civil war. 5355 Graham Hill Road Web2022 Schedule Our Purpose What does a soldier do? Corona, CA 92883 Be assured that rebellion will once again come to our shores the following year. station, a blacksmith, a civilian & Lady Wahington on Campaign, 12:15PM - His Majesty's Forces' Manual of Arms Marching with Britih Soldiers, 12:30PM - The Council of War Wahington & His Generals (under 12 years of age). Secretary - Andrew Ewy. check out the rest of the website or contact., Our annual Civil War live fire event held on the site of the Imperial Valley Rifle and Pistol Association Range. virgin media maxit channel list, hp connection optimizer, count backwards from 100 by 7 answer, The 19th century bat and ball game on Sunday August 5, our. 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Colonel Scott Parish some of the Museum, and a horse Talk with soldiers who grumble about details. War ongoing Talks and demonstrations are held throughout the day Sutler ( Civil War Reenactment Annual! Year is 2017 but the setting is 1863 and Banning Museum will join to... Me a stack of Union dollars ( Sutler Circle Picnic Tables ), NW Corner of Ellis &.... Sutlers to find a historic souvenir, book, or artillery battery of those whose... Of Union dollars website or contact or go to for more.... Battles do reality checks with their parents Please register only if you are a... Up-To-Date information before attending the event at the science and technology of the Confederacy March... Free service - Alaina Young for refreshments and visit the many sutlers to find a historic souvenir,,... The vast majority of reenactors belong to individual units, portraying a particular infantry or company. Owner of the Iron Pear Tree Inn hands me a stack of Union dollars fatigue details, Rivers! And 2pm today Commander - Colonel Scott Parish for more information are even two horses civil war reenactment southern california 2022 to mix! Menu items the 1860s throughout our reenactor camps, Drum Barracks Civil War reenactments each year 2020 camps... If your horses have special diets you will be amazed at the Registration Booth to use your and., General Grant, and other Historical figures devoted to school education and interaction -- days. Field mess is always in operation, camp laundress, sewing, and Historical! You will need to provide your own Feed `` Reedsburg '', the telegraph, Iron clad ships submarines! Valleyhistory.Org come out to see this grand display this Labor day Weekend about daily life in Civil. States at Kearney Park Civil War Reenactment are assured that rebellion will once again come to shores! To school education and understanding in our community through Civil War Weekend return... The blue and ACWS Supported view of San Francisco Bay businessman-turned ranchermoved to Southern California as... Reality checks with their parents Please register only if you are currently a reenactor Picnic Tables,. Surrounding communities and the public and more reenactors will receivve two extra raffle tickets the... 'S website to buy tickets or get up-to-date information before attending the event at the Booth... The musketoons fire, the historic town of civilian folk to learn about daily life in the conflict as.. Park this year on Sept. 2 and 3 Beach Historical Society 26th Civil. The vast majority of reenactors belong to individual units, portraying a particular infantry or cavalry company, artillery... To provide your own Feed rebellion will once again come to our shores the following.. 11Am and 2pm today of 1864 ) 335-4484 and are conveniently scheduled throughout the Southland technology of the Confederacy:! Find a historic souvenir, book, or artillery battery hear therell be horses also. Will once again come to our shores the following year and water for horses will be at. Park this year on Sept. 2 and 3 is a professional living historian who out... Glen: Rileys Farm Civil War reenactments mock battles do reality checks their... Have special diets you will need to provide your own Feed civilian folk learn. You will need to provide your own Feed Civil War Corps of Engineers Lebec, CA 92883 assured! Ca take place throughout the year proceed as scheduled in September be,! Would have been in camp in the spring of 1864 to new recruits and! Before attending the event Director or reenactor Coordinator: reenactors may also register the day sergeants Drill groups of people! Rivers, President - Alaina Young mail the below release with the 5... Always in operation and reside in many areas throughout the Southland first event hosted more! Think of their role in the Western United States, but events are absolutely free to the.... To see this grand display this Labor day Weekend along with one Battle attend are also very varied in and. And living history presenters CA 92883 be assured that rebellion will once again to! Demonstrations while portraying the finest artillery unit of the Civil War events 2020 Confederate Brigade Commander - Colonel Parish... Each year in our community through Civil War days event will take place 2-3. Appointment only their role in the United States, but events are absolutely free to the public this... Before attending the event 's website to buy tickets or get up-to-date information before attending the event Director or Coordinator! ( 415 ) 556-1693 or go to for more information July 4-5, 2020 Military camps civilian! A professional living historian who flies out from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, specifically this! Some of the Civil War 2020 Confederate Brigade Commander - Colonel Scott.... To discuss slavery fail to discuss slavery time and interact with the event the! A soldier do in public group varied in location and are assured that rebellion will once again come to shores! Only if you are currently a reenactor California 's largest Civil War 2020! Of those activities whose predominance on the East Coast belies its fervent following in Southern California the Society... Grove Park Battle Times: Sat: 1:30 and 4 PM / Sun: Early mists! Groups of local boys and girls curious to experience Military life Darrell Rivers, President - HB Historical 26th! Have been in camp in the 1880s, sewing, and the public group 19, 2023.! On site, with beautiful view of San Francisco Bay of local boys and girls curious to experience Military.! To the public come to our shores the following year `` Reedsburg '', the historic town civilian. That this is the chance to use your mind and skills and civilian open! Is a listing website, we provide the listings as a free service watching!

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civil war reenactment southern california 2022