Preamble . Additional resources related to this topic are exclusive to BOMA/Chicago members.To access these resources,you must be a member and you must log into the website.If you have not yet logged in, please scroll to the top of the page and click "Login" to log in using your username and password. Privacy Feedback, Dashcams Memorandum of Understand (8/03/2021), Classification, Compensation, Records Administration & Appointment Processing. Collective Bargaining Agreements SPD Navigation Facts About Your Plan Table of Contents Source of Contributions The Plan was established, and is maintained, through collective bargaining agreements between the International Union of Operating Engineers, I.U.O.E., Local 12, and participating employers. The minimum contract wage rates for Writers' Room Assistants and Script Coordinators employed under the Local #871 (Script Coordinators and Writers' Room Assistants) Agreement shall be increased to $24.50 per hour effective July 31, 2022. 5 . COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AND THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 399 JULY 1, 2021 JU NE 30, 2024 Intl. .cd-main-content p, blockquote {margin-bottom:1em;} endobj 13 0 obj endstream 28 0 obj <> ~eKP'K ?M`9*F However, if either of these parties objects, OLMS will not accept the CBA. The CBA made . 8/22/2022 - 8/31/2024), Business Operations . Collective bargaining (also called contract negotiations) is the heart and soul of the labor movement. Faculty/Staff Assistance Services Contract (eff. 19 0 obj Chef Assistant-Drivers employed on long-form productions made for television, or productions made for DVD: $27.50 per hour effective July 31, 2022. 22 0 obj 8/16/2022 - 8/29/2026), IBOT Local 26 - International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers Union Please refer to the Paymaster Guidebook or your Paymaster for details on the new mileage allowance provisions effective for programs which commence principal photography on or after July 17, 2022. !:G+jrkKaU,vUV0 Z 14 0 obj Collective Bargaining Agreement Local 9, EITM Agreement July 2021 - June 2024. . . Changes to pension and health hourly contributions are as follows: Effective July 31, 2022, an additional increase of $6.00 per day. JUlkQ}q-Ox/ xT&/6z_t$]xHKu0=5:le,pqc4{j76g=d:3/FFx9cbfu"N 0f[ s18e!1GUk-f15=/+^v;sqz|#(bok}AR &"n%R~h1nah?rl@%tn3W^Ozj0u?,j\z344@uDPqdK_h _ Ugk-Zy{\dbau\@ BI.7JsUS{+co,jAnL/C9v4;Nzz6e}\,Y.~Lz-Anoom/Mu-z;sPv{4b{R9"uB9gy=_rezLU[ATcna0 {w-Q4|bOLL@M1F8x{8MF/R`_|?y 5Wor`+2{BCp?\\a~O}B[ Use our online form to submit your Collective Bargaining Agreement to DLS. ' .dol-alert-status-error .alert-status-container {display:inline;font-size:1.4em;color:#e31c3d;} 8/30/2019 - 8/15/2023) 29 0 obj An official website of the United States government. Bargaining unit members. t1H@aL*9K?$H%_!+ Between . 7 . MPIPHP: The hourly contribution rate to the Motion Picture Industry Health Plan under Section 12(a)(1)(ii)(A) for a Producer which qualifies as a $15 Million Contributor shall increase by forty cents ($0.40) per hour (to $4.913 per hour) for each hour worked by or guaranteed an employee retroactive to October 3, 2021; by an additional forty cents ($0.40) per hour (to $5.313 per hour) for each hour worked by or guaranteed an employee effective October 2, 2022 . 8/16/2022 8/15/2026) Contract (eff. Section 1.2 Union . Human Resources - Collective Bargaining Agreements. BU 12 Operating Engineers Local 399. LOCAL 399 . ), Illinois School Code (105 ICLS 5/34-1 et. t1H@aL*9K?$T%_!+ Effective July 31, 2022, an additional increase of $0.40 per hour for a Producer who qualifies as a $15 Million Contributor, and an additional increase of $1.20 per hour for a Producer who does not qualify as a $15 Million Contributor., Be an industry insider with EP's newsletters and alerts, Collective Bargaining Agreements - Summer 2022 Updates. [CDATA[/* > stream DOT Administrators: five percent (5%) of the scale Regular Basic Hourly Rate of pay for all hours worked by or guaranteed to the employee during the period July 31, 2022 to and including July 29, 2023. VU(WQnr"e#:. %"U~47jv.bp KYm6 >vdx-3QQ6JK_tnT The deal, ratified by a vote of more than 94 per cent, is retroactive to April 1, 2022 and effective until March 31, 2025. hX6+Ixx"!3$As|}\I@_/g' 8,HI: B3'SqI 'gO{ulNxaB| a]im? o8al %?CG.Zl`n{7ivYl;k( endstream Please refer to the Paymaster Guidebook or your Paymaster for details on the new provisions for high budget SVOD programs subject to a license agreement entered into on or after August 1, 2022 (or in the absence of a license agreement, the principal photography of which commences on or after August 1, 2022. Learn more atLearn more at (through June 30, 2023) Teamsters Wage Rates (Effective September 1, 2022) IATSE Extra Help Stagehands (through June 30, 2023) endstream LOCAL 399 And CITY OF CHICAGO . Chef Assistant-Drivers employed on one-hour and one-half hour television pilots, and the first season of a one-hour television series or new media productions that are subject to Sideletter No. Contract (eff. 9 0 obj 3 0 obj College of DuPage Local 399 Agreement Contract (eff. At this time, all employment and labor issues are managed by the Human Resources department and outside legal counsel. Rev. 8/16/2018 - 8/15/2023) /Length 872 >> 73, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 143, Service Employees International Union, Local 1, Firemen & Oilers Division, Multi-Project Labor Supplemental Agreement 2015-2025, International Union of Operating Engineers of Chicago, Illinois and Vicinity, Local No. 8/26/2018 - 8/15/2022) PP Local 149 (Construction Projects) - Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 149 Home State Human Resources Labor relations Collective bargaining agreements Professional and Technical Employees Local 17 (PROTEC17) (2022-23) Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance; Civil service rules; . What is collective bargaining? Collective Bargaining Agreement Local 399 Agreement July 2021 - June 2024. Vaccines protect you and the people around you, reducing the spread of COVID-19. stream Urbana, IL 61801 Champaign, IL 61820 Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. stream c_VlD$I:a@eISx0s Qp'Zt 4~#";/$n1PE F:r5o x3R235W(2300P@& 27 0 obj div#block-eoguidanceviewheader .dol-alerts p {padding: 0;margin: 0;} BU 18 Roofers Local 11. .table thead th {background-color:#f1f1f1;color:#222;} Local 399 is part of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) which has 123 Local Unions throughout the United States and Canada totaling approximately 450,000 members. Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/1/16- 6/30/23, Collective Bargaining Agreement for Full-Time 7/1/16 - 6/30/23, Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/1/18- 6/30/23, Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/16/18 - 7/15/22. and provisions of the Illinois School Code (105 ICLS 5/34-1 et. under a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the City and Laborers International Union of North America, Local 751 (Local 751). AFSCME Local 3700 - American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Please refer to the Paymaster Guidebook or your Paymaster for details on the new rest period provisions for a motion picture, program, part of a mini-series or episode of a series which commences principal photography on or after September 11, 2022. IUOE Local 399: 1: September 5th, 2012: Drake Tower Apartments Chicago, IL: IUOE Local 399: 1: October 18th, 2011: 300 W Adams Building - 300 W Adams Management LLC Chicago, IL: IUOE Local 399: 2: May 24th, 2011: Onterie Center - Metropolitan Properties of America Inc. Boston, MA: IUOE Local 399: 2: April 13th, 2011: Chicago Housing Authority . and . Effective May 2, 2022, pursuant to item 12 of the 2020 WGA MOA, the WGA elected to allocate three-quarter percent (0.75%) of the negotiated increases in certain minimums and one-quarter percent (0.25%) of the negotiated increases in other minimums to the pension contribution rate. Ratified by City Council on: December 12, 2007 . Contract (eff. Contract Extension until 2023, IAMAW Local 1000 - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers <> 8/22/2022 - 8/31/2024), SEIU Local 73 (Building Service Workers) - Service Employees International Union Any Employer that does not qualify as a "$15 Million Contributor" shall make contributions to the Motion Picture Industry Pension and Health Plans at the actual cost per participant per hour rate ("Actual Cost Rate"), as calculated by the Industry Plans. <> <> 18 0 obj It is when workers band together to negotiate workplace matters with their employer. Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFGE Local 32 and OPM Central Office . . i . .h1 {font-family:'Merriweather';font-weight:700;} UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO . p.usa-alert__text {margin-bottom:0!important;} x3R235W(2300P@& x3R235W(2300P@& COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT . stream 5idj>/gOLXB=n8t)0H[skcnlcx=| e i/ cB = /` g endstream endobj 1345 0 obj <>stream P?> _. 12 0 obj Washington, DC 202101-866-4-USA-DOL1-866-487-2365, File Labor Union, Trusteeship, Employer, and Consultant Reports (EFS), Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), Poster: Notice of Employee Rights Under Federal Law (Executive Order 13496), Collective Bargaining Agreements File: Online Listings of Private and Public Sector Agreements, Signed contracts for the agreement and a summary of changes in the agreement are available for BOMA/Chicago members in the Resources section below. ), The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board, The Service Employees International Union, Local No. 94-113; s. 4, ch. Labor and Employee Relations March 1, 2023. 1. The "weekly base rate," for purposes of calculating the percentage contribution to the Individual Account Plan (irrespective of whether the Casting Director or Associate Casting Director is paid more or less than this amount) shall increase as follows: The "weekly base rate" shall be prorated at the rate of one-fifth of said amount for each day worked when the Casting Director or Associate Casting Director is employed for less than a full workweek. <> The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board is charged with enforcing various provisions of the Act. *If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. 8/25/2019 - 8/19/2023) July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2018 ., 505 E. Green St., Suite 204 endobj Contract wage rates increase by 3% effective July 31, 2022. endobj 8/22/2021 - 8/31/2024), FOP Local 126 - Fraternal Order of Police, Labor Council t1H@aL*9K?$X%_!+ Talent Acquisition, 52 E. Gregory Dr. Phone (217) 333-2137, Advanced Computation Building, First Floor 8/16/2022 - 8/25/2025), AFSCME Local 698 - american Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees CPS Board policies and rules also affect CPS employees terms of employment. Assistant Location Managers: $1,715/week effective July 31, 2022. Please refer to the Paymaster Guidebook or your Paymaster for detailed rate information. Memorandum of Agreement (08/26/2022) 399, Teachers, Counselors, Librarians and Related Service Providers, Paraprofessional and School-Related Personnel, The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 6 of the Black Book: $28.84 per hour effective July 31, 2022. Adult Educators/Coordinators - AFSCMELocal 3506, Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/1/16- 6/30/23, Clerical and Technical Employees - Local 1708, Collective Bargaining Agreement for Full-Time 7/1/16 - 6/30/23 , Collective Bargaining Agreement forP/T Hourly& Project Staff 7/1/17-6/30/23, Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/1/18- 6/30/23, Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/16/18 - 7/15/22, Local 1600 Faculty - Online MOU - Fully Executed, Memorandum of Understanding English Composition & Reading 7/1/16- 7/15/18, Memorandum of Understanding Medicare Part B Reimbursement Program, Local 73- Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/1/21-6/30/24, Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/1/20 - 6/30/2024, Professional- Local 1600 Professionals: Full-Time & Part-Time, Collective Bargaining Agreement 7/16/18 - 7/15/22, Memorandum of Understanding Medicare Part B Reimbursement Program, Security -Police Officers Association Local 1600, Collective Bargaining Agreement1/1/121 - 12/31/24, Dial 711 for the Telecommunications Relay Service. Collective bargaining agreements Asbestos Agreements Asbestos Local 6 - Insulators (8-31-2020) Asbestos Remover Pipes & Tanks Local 6 (5-31-2021) Boilermaker Agreements Local 29 Boilermakers (12-31-2020) Bricklayer Bricklayers Local 3 - Central, MA (8-31-2017) 25 0 obj The National Mediation Board is responsible for copies of CBAs covering railroads and airlines. 399, affiliated with the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS, hereinafter referred to as the "UNION". Chef Assistants: $24.50 per hour effective July 31, 2022. *Tentative agreements have been reached with CTU and SEIU. endstream stream t1H@aL*9K?$\%_!+ Please contact your Paymaster for detailed rate information. Contract (eff. Agreement, Local 399 shall designate a special representative responsible for the administration of the Agreement. View/Print Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) established between employers and labor organizations. April 28, 2019 As we continue to respond to the impact of COVID-19 and due to our inability to gather to negotiate, we have reached an agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 399 to extend the existing contract for building engineers through September 14, 2020. endobj Partial week - (thirteen (13) hours per day effective October 2, 2022, Five-day week - sixty-five (65) hours per week effective October 2, 2022, Six-day week - seventy-seven (77) hours per week effective October 2, 2022, Seven-day week - eighty-nine (89) hours per week effective October 2, 2022, Studio Rate - Total IAP Contribution: $224.59 per week effective July 31, 2022, Distant Location Rate - Total IAP Contribution: $290.79 per week effective July 31, 2022, Studio Rate - Total IAP Contribution: $126.30 per week effective July 31, 2022, Distant Location Rate - Total IAP Contribution: $163.02 per week effective July 31, 2022, Studio Rate Hourly IAP Contribution: $4.01 per hour effective July 31, 2022, Distant Location Rate Hourly IAP Contribution: $5.19 per hour effective July 31, 2022, Studio Rate Hourly IAP Contribution: $2.26 per hour effective July 31, 2022, Distant Location Rate Hourly IAP Contribution: $2.91 per hour effective July 31, 2022. t1H@aL*9K?$H%_!+ C %PDF-1.4 endobj <> OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS AND VICINITY . 950 East 61. st Street Building . Together, we've built strong communities and achieved better wages, benefits, pensions and fair treatment, for workers. Effective January 1, 2023, Martin Luther King Jr. Day shall be added as a holiday in the Local #52 Majors Agreement, and the unworked holiday percentage in Part A of the Local #52 Majors Agreement for daily and weekly employees shall increase from 3.719% to 4% commencing with the period January 1, 2023 to and including December 31, 2023 and continuing with the period January 1, 2024 to and including December 31, 2024. Find information about CPS employee collective bargaining units, agreements, and general information regarding CPS collective bargaining. This collective bargaining agreement including Appendix A is entered into by and between the County of Cook, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the International Union of Operating . For more information regarding CPS collective bargaining units, you may contact Kaitlyn Girard, Labor Relations Officer at 5 0 obj <>stream other terms . endstream Probationary Wages MOU 11/9/2022, Graphic Communications International Union, Local 568M 32mwzG2HIyXl:Z /[VG7VZUywp&XnOnF_4Ll^s>M`nm7>Wn9)UJ->{{He?=j3ex_-|^ t1H@aL*9K?$R%_!+ t1H@aL*9K?$B%_!+ +$El/PZLFl[jS'yvs&wqr>,^"[+W)8,X:FMPwxagz p45'xmjn2r(X{QT;844 Bureau of Human Resources > Collective Bargaining Agreements The following are the Collective Bargaining Agreements for Cook County for the periods of 2004-2008, 2008-2012, 2012-2017, 2017-2020 and 2020-2024: These agreements are sorted by agreement period, then by collective bargaining unit. .paragraph--type--html-table .ts-cell-content {max-width: 100%;} <> seq. Contract (eff. Contributions on behalf of employees engaged on an hourly basis shall be made for each hour worked or guaranteed. endobj Contract wage rates increased by 3% retroactively on May 16, 2021, and there will be an additional 3% increase effective May 15, 2022. Contract (eff. 356584.1 . x3R235W(2300P@& 8/20/2017 - 8/19/2021) TRANSPORTATION DRIVERS, TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. t1H@aL*9K?$D%_!+ Collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) are available from the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) Online Public Disclosure Room.. t1H@aL*9K?$P%_!+ %PDF-1.7 Collective Bargaining Agreement Local 700 Agreement July 2021 - June 2024. The Employer recognizes Local 399 as the exclusive collective bargaining . .usa-footer .container {max-width:1440px!important;} Engineers, Local 399, Heating Plant . GEO (IFT/AFT) - Graduate Employee's Organization 1155 East 60. th Street Building 6045 South Kenwood Avenue Building . endstream .agency-blurb-container .agency_blurb.background--light { padding: 0; } stream <> Effective July 1, 2007 Through June 30, 2017 . .usa-footer .grid-container {padding-left: 30px!important;} 48, Par, 1701 et seq.) 6 0 obj <> collective bargaining agreement by and between local 399, international union of operating engineers, afl-cio, and board of trustess for western illinois university contents article page article i union recognition 1 article ii management rights 2 article iii non-discrimination 3 article iv 3dues deduction and fair share article v wages 6 Partial week - thirteen (13) hours per day effective July 31, 2022, Five-day week - sixty- five (65) hours per week effective July 31, 2022, Six-day week - seventy-seven (77) hours per week effective July 31, 2022, Seven-day week - eighty-nine (89) hours per week effective July 31, 2022. 8/22/2021 - 8/31/2024) Professional and Technical Employees Local 17 (PROTEC17) (2022-23) Category. Contract (eff. Contract (eff. 1155 East 60. th Street Building 6045 South Kenwood Avenue Building . By and between . <> 24 0 obj +R@& 6f MassCOP Local 399 - COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 3.2- The Employer agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee because such employee gives testimony, takes part in grievance procedures or hearings, negotiations or conferences for or on behalf of the Union or any employee. This increase shall be allocated to the IATSE National Health and Welfare Fund. > Collective Bargaining . #8YQVSodp hlo 7!o5oy2l^m_V;+@oOcPXpVmia/y473-nRz_}_8yU=C3]7pf)2"0JbQ#|qn&-O. f>S|`c The City also asserted that one of the petitionedfor - . Various residual bases will increase effective July 1, 2022. Collective Bargaining Agreement Database. IUOE Local 399 (Service/Maintenance) - International Union of Operating Engineers Contract (eff. Teamsters Local #399 Location Managers Agreement ("LMA") and any successor agreement shall be applicable to employees hired by the Employer to perform services in the County of Los Angeles, or hired by the Employer in the County of Los Angeles . stream 356584.1 . Clothing and Equipment MOU - 10/19/2021, FOP (Corporals and Sergeants) - Fraternal Order of Police, Labor Council 399 2020-2024 RWDSU Local 200 Administrative Staff 200 2020-2024 SEIU Local 73 County Clerk Administrative Support Staff 73 8/26/2018 - 8/15/2022), PP Local 149 (Construction Projects) Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 149 Phone (217) 333-8342 Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFGE Local 32 and OPM Central Office . 7121(e ) and (f) relating to actions taken under Chapter 43 and Chapter 75, United States Code, for analysis in accordance with OPM's authority under 5 U.S.C 7703(d). 8/22/2021 - 8/26/2023), IBEW Local 601 - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 79-190; s. 7, ch. This manual will help to guide you through the steps of preparing for bargaining, meeting with the employer at the table, and holding a contract ratification meeting. 15 0 obj By and between . Memorandum of Understanding (02/19/2019) Signed contracts for the agreement and a summary of changes in the agreement are available for BOMA/Chicago members in the Resources section below. 950 East 61. st Street Building . 8/21/2022 - 8/16/2025) ARTICLE 4_WORK RULES x3R235W(2300P@& endobj The concurrence of the Department of Financial Services shall not be required for the deduction of a certified bargaining agent's membership dues deductions pursuant to s. 447.303 or any deductions authorized by a collective bargaining agreement. Local 399 is the second largest Stationary Local in North America covering the entire state of Illinois and 21 counties in Indiana. Please note the following Local 399 increases: Chef Assistant-Drivers employed on long-form productions made for television, or productions made for DVD: $27.50 per hour effective July 31, 2022 Contract wage rates increase 3% increase effective October 2, 2022. Additional information about Loretto Hospital can be found at If you have any questions, or if you are a union or employer that would like to submit a CBA for posting, please contact OLMS at or call OLMS: (202) 693-0123. This page accesses all current Collective Bargaining Agreements and important Memorandum for Understanding documents for all Bargained For employees at City Colleges. 1 0 obj endobj <> For Associate Casting Directors employed on a television or a theatrical motion picture (or on an SVOD Program to which theatrical terms and conditions apply): $1,500 effective October 2, 2022. Chapter 1: General Provisions . <> seq.) Contract (eff. Stat, Ch. Collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) are available from the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) Online Public Disclosure Room. endobj 16 0 obj 69IwHZ2P"{7te>uGL2kzb1|%Wy#74)YY))T; 00yQeD0~$zrrZ`/7Kv6F9 F 1X (@R5?Xk2ehAL:Whg ktG>2`(\AVWi OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS AND VICINITY . Salary rates will increase effective July 1, 2022. As a result, some materials may not be current or available for all major bargaining units. Effective July 1, 2007 Through June 30, 2017 . #views-exposed-form-manual-cloud-search-manual-cloud-search-results .form-actions{display:block;flex:1;} #tfa-entry-form .form-actions {justify-content:flex-start;} #node-agency-pages-layout-builder-form .form-actions {display:block;} #tfa-entry-form input {height:55px;} endstream Note that Employers signatory to the Basic Agreement that identify as a shop or facility shall make contributions to the Plans at the same rate as Rate Group 48, which shall remain at least $2.00 above the Basic Rate in Article XII(b)(1) of the Basic Agreement. 8/26/2018 - 8/20/2022), IATSE Local 482 - International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees & Moving Picture Machine Operators Crisis Line (217) 244-7739 Employees employed on a production that commences principal photography on or after July 31. The Employer recognizes Local 399 as the exclusive collective bargaining representative of drivers assigned to drive and/or operate vehicles used in the . h10Il'M#KU!JTCFPH^l;BXs!k 2200. Please refer to the Paymaster Guidebook or your Paymaster for details on the overtime changes effective for certain pilots, episodes of a series and one-time TV motion pictures which commence principal photography on or after September 11, 2022. collective bargaining, certain provisions covering wages, and . 3 . Dashcams Memorandum of Understand (8/03/2021), IUOE Local 399 (Housing Inspector) - International Union of Operating Engineers This increase shall be allocated to the IATSE National Health and Welfare. For more information, please contact Rob Johnson at or (312) 870-9613. <> Please note the following Local 871 increases: Effective July 31, 2022, there will be an additional increase of $0.40 per hour for a Producer who qualifies as a $15 Million Contributor, and an additional increase of $1.20 per hour for a Producer who does not qualify as a $15 Million Contributor.. 5 or Sideletter No. Agreements File ( 105 ICLS 5/34-1 et be current or available for all bargaining. @ oOcPXpVmia/y473-nRz_ } _8yU=C3 ] 7pf ) 2 '' 0JbQ # |qn & -O mutual herein. Johnson at rjohnson @ or ( 312 ) 870-9613 hereinafter referred to as the exclusive bargaining... Rob Johnson at rjohnson @ or ( 312 ) 870-9613 employee 's Organization East. Information regarding CPS collective bargaining ( also called Contract negotiations ) is the second Stationary! Hourly basis shall be allocated to the IATSE National Health and Welfare Fund 30,.. Order to view this site, you must enable JavaScript: December 12 2007! 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