Rev. 23:663(2). 378-5(a). Minn. Stat. Colo. Rev. Code 34-06.1-05(2). Clarke-Figures Equal Pay Act Stat. 652.210(1)-(2). Mich. Comp. Stat. Rev. 448.07(3). @media (max-width: 992px){.usa-js-mobile-nav--active, .usa-mobile_nav-active {overflow: auto!important;}} Haw. Tenn. Code Ann. Ann. 203(s)(1). Stat. 16-123-107(c)(2)(A). Vt. Stat. If you are an employee covered by the Act, you may discuss wages in face-to-face conversations and written messages. 344.230(2)-(3)(a), (e)-(f), (h). Rev. Any employer who knowingly or intentionally violations section 4 commits a Class A infraction. It is unlawful for an employer to seek the wage or salary history, including benefits or other compensation, of a job applicant from any current or former employer, unless the job applicants wage or salary history is a matter of public record or the job applicant is a current employee and is applying for a position with the same employer. Ga. Code Ann. Turns out, the freedom to discuss your salary at work is a protected right under federal labor law. New Jersey Law Against Discrimination Protection: It is an unlawful employment practice for any employer to take reprisals against any employee for requesting from, discussing with, or disclosing to any other employee or former employee of the employer, a lawyer from whom the employee seeks legal advice, or any government agency information regarding rate of compensation, including benefits, of any employee or former employee of the employer or to require, as a condition of employment, any employee or prospective employee to sign a waiver, or otherwise require an employee or prospective employee to agree, not to make those requests or disclosures. Code Ann., Lab. 21-5B-1(2). Lab. An employer who violates this law is guilty of a misdemeanor. Code Ann., Lab. [CDATA[/* >
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