May 22

chances of getting caught lying on faa medicalstate police ranks in order

I am a rental pilot as well, and unfortunately, there are no sport rentals available, and they are too expensive to buy. But the feds harass pilots, not drivers, because they can get away with it with pilots but not with drivers. It was good news. They are soulless people that treat you as a thing, not a human person. Such law, whether it be the Prohibition of Alcohol, a tea tax or 3rd class medical requirements, will be seen only as an assault upon the freedom of those governed, designed solely to enhance the authority of its issuing agency through intimidation. but I was frustrated because a desk bureaucrat figured they knew more about my health than 3 doctors who had recently examined me with aviation in mind.. Find one that will help you get through the maze, not simply hand your problem off to the FAA. The only way to get information to them is via the USPS, another government agency stuck in the past. I did not disclose my name or address when I created this account. And on the other hand we have people like the pilot mentioned in J. Mac McClellans article Too Many Risks in the May 2012 issue of Sport Aviation who out right lied about his substance use and abuse. '[T]here is probably some justification for that,' he acknowledged in a 1998 interview, noting that the FAA is 'extremely conservative' when it comes to medical matters. When reading many aviation magazines and articles it seems likely that most accidents are a result of lack of proficiency rather than due to medical issues. Pilots aged 50 and older also have an intermediate visual standard measured at 32 of 20/40 or better in each eye separately. Discussion in 'Medical Topics' started by Globalpilot, Oct 6, 2018. I dont think the FAA realizes that pilots arent average human beings. Should I be worried? When a government becomes oppressive, intransigent, and unreasonable, allowing no recourse beyond its edicts, eventually people react. However, I also think that the standards for commercial and airline pilots should be more stringent. Of those, only a very small % are from medical causes. All because of a blood pressure medication I put on my 2012 medical form. Yes, they do. Now a question: Should 80+ year old pilots with type II diabetes, hypertension, a coronary artery stent or two, on 3-4 medications be allowed to fly a 6000# gross weight airplane with 5 passengers up to 14,000 feet, VFR or IFR without having had a medical exam by an AME? Maybe this will thin out the disastrous ideas, programs, attitudes and regulations coming out of government (like helping poor people buy houses) by ensuring government employees are not under the influence of mind altering drugs or pharmaceuticals and had a good-nights rest unhampered by sleep apnea. If they can just rid the world of these bothersom pilots then their job will be much easier. But most of disqualifying conditions can be dealt with, and your AME should help you do that. Bicycle accident deaths 700 I can see a medical for commercial operators, just like Bus drivers, but that is all. The flight will continue without further incident. In fact, as I write this, I see over on the corner of my screen a tweet entitled Older pilots are safe pilots. This is because you know you have a condition that would disqualify you if you did apply for a Third Class medical. astronaut training. Now, what other activity with a rate of death this low has a major federal bureaucracy policing it? The FAA Cannot possibly know all the doctors or hospitals you have ever been to unless you tell them. My 10k already spent, to me was wasted. Federal employees should qualify for at least a class three medical for airmen and let us toss in the medication list and drug testing for commercial drivers. Aviation medicals protect your lifeand a periodic physical is smart. whether, in their life, have they been diagnosed with, had, or presently have a history of ADHD. What I think is if a driver goes to the DMV to go get his eyes checked then that drivers license should be his medical as his third class and it would save the government money because there wouldnt be as many pilots to go after it would just be the professionals. Pilot organizations offer free advice to members, commercial outfits offer advice and assistance for a fee and printed resources are available. His first action was to pull out a form with three columns of Have you ever? items each requiring a yes/no response. See Also: Do Flight Schools Drug Test Students? However, a few years later when I needed to take a 2nd class physical, I could not pass because of the hearing problem and the AMI made an appointment for me with the FAAs regional medical representative. Today with the revolution in the medical diagnostic procedures, and early detection system and timely treatment most airline pilots will qualify and pass the medical exam if the questions were not leading ones. Fill up the plane and navigate for them. My new AME, (old one finally retired,) is a pilot, as is his wife, the office manager and head nurse. But is the whole medical certificate process flawed? I lost my career as an airline pilot (major airline) and my life spiraled out of control. And for the record, someone who is truly medically incapable of handling a C172 should not be driving on roads shared by schoolbuses, gasoline tanker trucks, etc. They are actually almost the same as for Third Class. The real question is; Do you trust you AME? He exists to remove one of the joys of my life. As a pilot since 1953, and now a retired vascular surgeon who still flies, I have wondered for years if there is any evidence that pilot physical exams save lives. I have to say, this doc was thorough, checked everything, but, when he saw that attachment with all that exposure, he looked at me in a way like what is all this. The AME can comment on the problem stating that it no longer exists and you are not on medication in the comments section on the 8500-8 and submit it along with the note from your counsellor to the FAA and go ahead and issue your Medical Certificate. Global misunderstands that Procedure codes, diagnosis codes and pharmacy codes were denied protections under to ACA of 2010. I am working on my private pilot license and I was honest and admitted to an episode of seasonal depression treated with medication (which I no longer require or take). The 8500-8 of necessity must be brief and it is very difficult to get authorization to change it. If successful with testing, you can then make further arguments that you do not have an aeromedically significant medical condition. - I am going to take my FAA First Class Medical examination in a few months for my very first certificate. Office hours M-F 8:30am - 5:00pmOur Privacy If one does lie this is an example of what could happen facing fines of up to $250,000,and possibly up to 5 years of federal imprisonment,and certificate revocation. So, easing up on the medical requirements would be based on real world situations. I know of several pilots who have useful vision in only one eye or have amblyopia that makes it impossible for them to pass the eye exam. You can be a Sport Pilot if you have never had your FAA medical denied. I am working with a private party who specializes in this sort of thing and he cant really give me definitive answers either; just educated opinion and guidance. Gee I wonder how many Pilots become depressed because of the hasseles from the FAA. Needless to say, I have never taken a $100 Hamburger flight. On the subject of medical self certification, read the announcement by the AOPA and the EAA. So by that, one could lie of not having epilepsy for example even though they have! But the standards are not different. It is important to point out, according to the AOPA, there have been no accidents related to pilots self-certifying and flying under the Sport program, and many of those pilots Im sure, were under the same misconception as me! Whether or not your AME issues your medical certificate, the FAAs Aeromedical Certification Division (AMCD) will review your application. You miss the point. G E King, I reported controlled hypertension on my questionnaire. The FAA will then require more detailed medical information before they can determine if you qualify for a medical certificate. The FAA gives final denial to only 0.01% of applications. What will actually happen if you are caught lying? It says "last three years" so there's a one year overlap for us older guys applying for a third class. Otherwise I tend to be so healthy that I simply wouldnt ever go to the doctor. There are too many who are afraid of liability. I dont blame poeple for lying. However you have never been treated or taken medication so probably if you disclose it the FAA would require some sort of doctors evaluation which says you are OK and that will be the end of it. Simple you dont need to know and if you are scared to apply for you medical because your feared in getting caught. There are folks flying with diabetes that are on insulin. Pilots most likely have wanted too fly since they were kids. I just recently got my Cat 1 medical, and honestly the doctor is pretty thorough when it comes to examining his patient, everything from blood pressure to ECG. Fortunately with the airlines, there is always a second pilot capable of flying the plane. Yes the present medical sytem sucks but, its all we have until better management goes to Washington. They want to approve, not deny medicals. If you have a new medical diagnosis, just received a letter from the FAA or have any concerns about your FAA medical certificate, let us help. should also be aware that the FAA now routinely cross-references your VA disability rating when determining your eligibility for a medical certificate. File closed. You want to make it more difficult? However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. About a week before I was suppose to be soloed I went for my medical and was told by my AME that I cant fly because I take adderal. No problem there both were on the approved list (most are). Does anyone know the statistics of how often a dead pilot at a crash is found to have prescribed medications for a condition that has not been reported on the 8500-8? While not endorsing that, it is understandable at the emotional level. Glider pilots, balloon pilots, and lately sport pilots have proven statistically that there is no reason to have the third class medical at all. most reputable and up-to-date sources, which are also cited in the text. For airmen, this, like so many other aspects of aviation, is a judgment call'but one that also gets tangled up in personal ethics. As they say the truth eventually comes out but sometimes lies can go untold forever and I believe there are pilots who are flying around in our airspace with disqualifying medical conditions that should be special issuance or not even have a medical. During an FAA medical, a urine test will take place that checks sugars and protein levels. Where is this regulation? You are there to take away joy and livelihood. The FAA as a whole believes all people should fly if they desire. They may only get 3rd class, but they are flying with strict guidelines on preflight accu check, inflight accu check, etc. We are equally desiring of our freedom, but because we are a small group, the bureaucracy can get away with it. If you have more than two DUIs you are disqualified for good unless you can get the FAA to budge which is rare I have known people who have had this happen to them. Its not lying its letting them find out, which would probably never happen unless something came out about it. A simple clerical error!!! His medical expired a few months back yet he is planning to go back to the state in which he passed the medical so he can lie again and pass with Flying Colors this is deplorable! They yanked my 3rd class one time, because my personal physician mistyped a statement on his annual letter to the FAA. before an incident so we know how to correct. Because the measures necessary to achieve it would make life intolerable dull and stifling. Another friend had accompanied me to this testing and he sat across the table from me so that he could see the doctors actions. Im healthy, but had been to the doc a number of times over the last couple years (or whatever the reporting period was), for inconsequential (for flying) things, so, just reading the med form, as it said I could, I attached a sheet with all those doc visits. The FAA Medical requirements need revision and made more rational instead of simply being a procedural nightmare for pilots. The flight surgeon is not my friend. Parasailing. | site designed by. So why open a can of worms by telling the aviation medical examiner? That would shut them down for good. If you fear denial, speak to someone that knows what they are talking about, not a blog. What are the chances you will get caught? I look at the FAA as the enemy trying to take my life away. So, I can only assume that the FAA will see it so there is no question about having to report it myself. Yes its very rare for someone to have heart attack or neurological brain seizure in flight. Seems arbitrary to me. KL, In-case if you ever get into an accident the FAA/NTSB will look through all your medical history and do a thorough check on that pilot meaning they want to look at every doctor visit and all medications you have been on. I dont know for a fact other pilots lie on their medical, but pretty sure some I know do. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. R: Sleep Apnea. People, in general, are in better health than they were 20-30 years ago, largely by not smoking, watching their weight, eating less fatty foods, etc. You should report any AME who does not do a reasonably thorough examination and review what you put on the 8500-8. We train for emergencies and stalls etc. I can tell you from experience that once the AME releases their pronouncement, nothing else occurs. Thus, agencies such as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Federal Bureau of Identification (FBI), for example, will most likely still be able to see your expunged records. My AME is like a brother to me and a damn good doc to boot Lamentably, if I have something which could be a liability to me on my next medical, I can not ask my AME/best friend about my problem, and discuss it with him. The AOPA and the EAA are going to propose an exemption to the third class physical exam that would allow us to use our drivers license as our medical to fly recreational. They are really convincing and will definitely work. Hell no. Ive no choice but be truthfull,but I am sure Ive flown with other pilots who are afraid of admitting or just dont admit that they are not fit to fly themselves or their passengers safely.Does that ache youve been noticing or even worse ignoring mean something? However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. If youre over 40 and your first-class medical is not renewed within six calendar months, itll revert to the privileges of a second-class medical for an additional six months. Taint worth messing up folks. The AME Guide clarifies the question by explaining that it means unexplained unconsciousness.. No, of course you should not lie to your AME, but you should find one who knows how to work with you, and the FAA, to successfully maneuver around those inevitable issues which are bound to come up from time to time during a life of flying. I had the whole Combined Medical Board (CMB) certifying that I had systolic heart murmur that justified them to ground me from Air Force flying. Keep in mind that the FAA receives something like 430,000 8500-8 each year. My guess is this would have been confirmed by and EEG. I was shocked I never thought a medical would ever be an issue for me. My problem is with it taking MONTHS of run around after the issue is handled to the FAAs satisfaction per the conditions they themselves tell us we need to meet. Heres a guy who was never diagnosed with depression or showed any signs of it, but still completed the act so feared by these administrators. A. If they have any concerns about your eligibility to hold a medical certificate, AMEs can also deny your application or defer your certification to the FAA for further review. Im an AME. Still there are occasional exceptions where a commercial or airline pilot dies in the cockpit. What Are the Chances of Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? Some other government agency gets told another. So Rex you never spun around and got dizzy as a child? The other will not. I had a friend that sold very pricey aircraft (demonstration pilot) that was colorblind. But, sooner or later, most pilots will develop a medical condition that they cannot hide. I mean no offense, but other adults telling another adult whether or not to disclose something on a medical just doesn't seem right. There's also the possibility that the results of a blood or urine test will expose a condition you tried to hide. I would respect them more if they screened for problems and helped people cure them, rather than go over the hill with a knee jerk reaction. The other crewmembers will consult the seniority list to see how they fare after my death. I read a lot of threads on here about how pilot are getting caught lying on their medical applications. The Federal Aviation Regulations and U.S. law require that FAA Form 8500-8, the application for a medical certificate, be filled out completely and truthfully'or else. Not only is the medical certificate process flawed, so is the new AOPA iniative. Specifically, those questions are question 17 (the question about current use of medications), question 18m (the question about mental disorders of any sort), and question 19 (the question about visits to healthcare professionals in the past 3 years). Heres more information on the FAAs battery of neuropsychological testing: Are you serious? They rely on that trust and the deterrence provided by the severe penalties at their disposal to preserve the integrity of the medical certification process. what tests you need, when you need to take these tests, etc) to satisfy the FAA that youre good to go. Im old, crazy and hard of hearing bit like most experienced pilots I suppose. If I remember correctly, being off antidepressant medication for 6 months or longer makes the problem that required the medication no longer an issue. At a minimum, the liar can lose flight provileges for good. The premise of someone getting over long-term depression is laughable. Expand the Sport Pilot Program and the sport aircraft class (Cessna 150, and other two seat trainers) and there will be no need to lie. It doesnt seem to exhibit much intelligence to uselessly act excited after the fact instead of before. How about providing you SSAN when the FAA does not need it? No mercy from the FAA and I was not even allowed to go to a hearing I just got the notice of revocation one day and that was it. Coronary heart disease that has been treated or, if untreated, that has been symptomatic or clinically significant, Disturbance of consciousness without satisfactory explanation of the cause, A personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts, Transient loss of control of nervous system function(s) without a satisfactory explanation of the cause. Bury the third class in favor of drivers licenses, who cars come with inches of mine, go against lights, etc. Until the rules change, abide by them, and make sure you self monitor. At worse, you may face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. A medical exam is required for a Commercial Driver License and for working on a commercial boat carrying passengers. They defer anyone with a deferrable problem rather than have the pilot provide the necessary data from the treating physician(s) before submitting the 8500-8. There, see you did lie on your medical didnt you. If the problem for which you have special issuance no longer exists, ask the FAA to cancel the SI. An applicant who knowingly misrepresents the facts and gets caught can lose his or her pilot license forever and face a fine of up to $250,000, imprisonment for up to five years, or both. its the government way. I believe you are mis-informed; as long as I hold a once valid third class medical and a valid drivers license, and have not had a third class medical that disqualified me since that qualifying medical exam, Im eligible to fy Sport!I refer you to the following links:,, This is a common misunderstanding. I have to weigh in on this issue. You would not be alone, as there are many older pilots that fly with conditions that would disqualify them from getting the Third Class medical. If pilots routinely lie, but its never a safety issue, why do we have medicals in the first place? If I have the big one in the seat here is what will happen: 1. It was a more difficult process than if I had done it 20 years prior. I confessed to marriage counseling and I got snagged for about $1k+ of testing. How do we know that health issues rarely cause flying accidents? With that framework in mind, it should be obvious that the FAA has a number of overlapping methods to catch you lying on your flight physical application. Ive held a private certificate since 1991 and fly for pleasure and fun, occassionally with passengers and somtimes just to stay current. Im about done flying, it is expensive enough without the FAA making it more so needlessly. One DUI is not disqualifying. There are more boating accident deaths (650 or so), motorcycle deaths (4500), automobile (35,000). Typical government bull-. Have tried the polite calling routine, found they will lie to you, one time the lady told me my SI was approved & mailed 2 days prior, when I finally got it 3 weeks later the post mark date proved they had lied. For about $ 1k+ of testing FAA realizes that pilots arent average human beings exhibit intelligence... To stay current in 'Medical Topics ' started by Globalpilot, Oct 6, 2018 by the AOPA the! 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chances of getting caught lying on faa medical