May 22

combat craig and va claims insiderstate police ranks in order

Relative Equipoise means that in the totality of the evidence, a fact is at least as likely as not.. Even though veterans can technically use a Nurse Practitioner (NP) to do a VA Nexus letter, you need to be thinking about which qualified medical professional will give you the most weight before the C&P examiner and the VA Rater, keeping in-mind the importance of competency and credibility of the evidence-based written medical documentation. The Secret to Getting Traumatic Brain Injury VA Disability Benefits. If you are looking for a Nexus Letter for Mental Health and all other Medical Conditions, here is the email of one of our partners: (Please Include Your Phone #), ? Cincinnati, OH: 300 E Business Way, Suite 200, Summit Woods Corporate Center, Cincinnati, OH, 45241 And Im constantly researching whats current and relevant with the VA. SuperCharge Your VA Claims Process! The same is true for service-connected back injuries, migraines, knee and ankle injuries, scars, and anything that causes chronic pain or disfigurement. Many veterans are familiar with it from firing weapons without hearing protection or being near explosions: Its routine to experience a high-pitched ringing in the ear for a few seconds after being exposed to very loud noises. 2023 VA Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) Pay Rates. Theres also an exclusive BOOT CAMP email address to reach me, Combat Craig, directly! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hill & Ponton P.A. What is a Nexus Letter for Secondary Condition? I believe in honesty all the way thorough. ? VA Disability for Prostate Cancer: How to Get the Highest Rating! There are many causes of erectile dysfunction, one of those being medication. To be in the successful 35.75% of claims it is important to fully fill out your claims paperwork and provide as much documentation as possible. Need a nexus letter for diagnosis secondary to tinnitus. By far the most predatory company out there(although there are many). 06/21/2021. And Im here to guide you in achieving that. (The Insiders Guide). While you cant get free Nexus Letters, Today, well explore whether its possible for veterans to get Free Nexus Letters for their VA disability claims. Helping Veterans Help Themselves, Im not accredited with the VA or I couldnt be giving out the info I give you. Any secondary claim you have to link. Columbus, OH: 100 E. Campus View Boulevard, Suite #250, Columbus, OH, 43235 Location: Austin, Texas, but services veterans nationwide via telehealth. Boot Camp Extra 5 Things You Should Know About Your VA Claim-PUBLIC, Boot Camp Extra Private Medical Evidence Used to Support a Veterans VA Disability Claim PUBLIC, Boot Camp Extra What Should I Bring to my C&P Exam? They are expensive if you choose to use them. The VA Claims Insider ELITE program is our premier education-based membership program where you'll get assigned a Veteran Coach (VC) team to lead you through our educational resources and the VA claim process from beginning to end. Sign up for Boot Camp Outstanding groupwent from 10% to 70%. When you file your claim for erectile dysfunction, explain what your (or better yet, your doctor) symptoms. If this is relevant to you, consider putting together your documentation and filing a claim. Provided IMO and representation for sleep apnea on more than 100 cases with very high success rate. He can be a bit crass, but his info is good. STEP 4: Review of Evidence. So stop half-assing it and wasting more time. Now, in our experience, VA Rating Officials very rarely apply this principle correctly, and often deny VA benefits when clearly the evidence was in relative equipoise.. I'm a cheap fuck so I won't do it but to each their own in their quest for getting the just benefits we all deserve. After extensive research and analysis into Nexus Letter Doctors, VA Claims Insider built this list of the Top 5 Doctors Who Write VA Nexus Letters for Veterans, along with pros and cons associated with each company. You're not alone. I have an appointment with him this upcoming Wednesday after waiting two months to see him, for a PTSD supplemental claim (denied twice due to no nexus). The runner-up, Limitation of flexion in the knee, accounted for 99,467 new claims while hearing loss resulted in 76,102 new claims during the reporting period. The main types of medical assessments for VA purposes are diagnoses, opinions, examination, and history. Now I can't say "Boats n Hoes" every time someone mentions them. According to Brian Reese, VA disability benefits expert, a veteran must ensure their independent medical opinion (aka, Medical Nexus Letter) has high probative value: For a credible Medical Nexus Letter to have high probative value in support of a veterans claim for VA disability benefits, it should be thorough, factual, and include convincing, evidenced-based rationale. ?Get a free VA Claim Evaluation, *******Disclaimer********** Because VA doctors are hired in the service of VA, according to VA regulation, they are NOT appropriate medical experts for the purposes of providing an independent medical opinion. The overall intent of SMC is to connect the disability and if it qualifies, for loss of vision, mobility, or limb. For this reason, veterans are among the highest risk for tinnitus. What is the VAs Reasonable Doubt Rule?. STEP 1: Claim Received. Brian Reese here, Air Force service-disabled Veteran and Founder @ VA Claims Insider. PTSD is perhaps the most well-known of them, but there are many others, including: Disabling mental health conditions are generally regarded as high-value claims. The appeals process can be complex, but it's important to persevere if you believe you're entitled to benefits. Historyis a verbal recounting or written record of relevant life events, habits, routine, symptoms, and/or treatment. Unlike other conditions that can only be approved if there is a good deal of objective medical evidence for the claim, tinnitus is on the honor system. San Jose, CA: 2880 Zanker Road, Ste. In our experience helping over 5,000 veterans obtain winning VA nexus letters, not all medical professionals are capable of writing a credible, evidence-based nexus letter with all the required elements necessary to help the veteran prove service connection under the law, so make sure you do your homework! Combat Craig is a Desert Storm Veteran with a 100% P&T disability rating with the VA. See this VA page for full details on presumptive conditions. Pros: Very experienced, highly-specialized, and offers in-person exams to include Independent Medical Examinations and expert witness testimony. The ED mentioned earlier will have to be a secondary condition. Click Go Elite Now below to get started today and a member of our team will be in touch within minutes. Call a VSO and meet with them. Competent medical evidencemeans evidence provided by a person who is qualified through education, training, or experience to offer medical diagnoses, statements, or opinions. Pros: Very experienced, high-specialized, and dual-hatted as a Medical Doctor (MD) and an accredited VA attorney. STEP 2: Under Review. Click to Improve Your VA Disability Rating and Future NOW! Combat Craig PUBLIC. Whether youre just starting on your VA Disability Claims journey, or on the difficult last mile from 90% to 100%, or somewhere in between, I created COMBAT CRAIGS BOOT CAMP just for you! Copyright 2023 Combat Craig == Combat Craig's Terms of Use. Phoenix, AZ: One Renaissance Tower, Two North Center Avenue, 18th & 19th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Theres no definitive test for it. Everything you need to get the Veteran's Benefits you earned and are entitled to. $400 fee for active duty or discharged in the last 12 months medical record review. What is the Best Way to Find Doctors Who Write VA Nexus Letters? Know what is wrong by looking at the internet. Ill demystify what you should be doing and what you should definitely NOT be doing. American Medical Experts is asking me to pay for a $1,550 telehealth evaluation in addition to an $1850 nexus letter for depression and anxiety secondary to tinnitus. If you are not sure if you have a solid VA nexus or not or you dont want to rely on the nexus from a C&P examiner, it might be worth your while to reach out to a private medical professional to see if they can help you with one. Because VA Raters are very busy people, so the easier you can make it for them to read and analyze, the better chance you have of getting your disability service connected. I'm stuck between VA Claims Insider where medical letters are paid at 6x the increase after the decision or to pay upfront for the letter, cheaper but UPFRONT. Cleveland, OH: 600 Superior Ave. East, Fifth Third Building, Suite 1300, Cleveland, OH, 44114 Youre welcome to view tons of FREE CONTENT on this website that will help raise your awareness. Most veterans will need to find a private doctor to complete a VA nexus letter for you. Sleep Apnea is one of the most difficult VA disabilities to get service connected, especially if you werent diagnosed with sleep apnea before leaving active duty service. It is important to have a Nexus linking your current VA disability to your active duty service but it does not necessarily have to be in the form of a nexus letter or a nexus statement from a private doctor. He's been the most honest upfront guy I've encountered so far. VA Nexus Letter Part #2: The doctor must offer supporting evidence-based rationale. You just need to sign up for The Free Content Area. When, after careful consideration of all procurable and assembled data, a reasonable doubt arises regarding service origin, the degree of disability, or any other point, such doubt will be resolved in favor of the claimant. Theres usually little doubt about a military service nexus. They basically give and tell you all the "secrets" to VA claims which you can get through a VSO or yourself if you know how to google rating criteria and navigate the operations manual at the VA. Here's the trick, they hide in their terms of conditions what you will pay. I make sure to surround myself with the best and very knowledgeable folks. Make sure that you are fully aware of the Rating Criteria for both conditions, and be honest with the yourself VA and the C&P Examiner about what level of Depression/Anxiety you are experiencing. Pleaemse explain more. Aiman Zureikat Going through the VA process. VA Medical Records: What happens when the VA makes a mistake? Also offers rush services for a higher fee. >>CLICK NOWto Access BOOT CAMP!<<. The Secret to Getting Traumatic Brain Injury VA Disability Benefits. In that 35.75% , 19.61% were approved with zero remand issues, and 16.14% were allowed with at least one remand issue. You enjoy this YouTube channel and its contents only for personal, non-commercial purposes. Of course, a veteran may also choose to hire a Medical Doctor (MD) or other specialty physician, although this usually comes at a premium price. And if they did, maybe they have a network of doctors in the usa to service everyone. Estimate your 2023 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! But I can bet, if you had them aid in your claim in any way, and the OIG or OGC determines these companies were functioning illegally then bet any claims associated with these companies or the medical providers they utilize will be highly scrutinized and those claims reviewed for potential reductions. Can You Still Work With A 100% VA Disability Rating? Date of experience: February 17, 2022. In a normal erection, the blood fills up the tissues in the penis. Rarely make the first comment on a thread. Soft-tissue sarcoma (not including osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposis sarcoma, or mesothelioma). Standard of proof specifies the degree of persuasion or confidence in the evidence, which is required in order to find a fact proven to the minimum standard of at least as likely as not., The application of standard of proof in a VA disability compensation claim is qualitative, not quantitative.. The Diagnostic Codes (DC) which would be applied in that situation are DC 7520, 7521, or 7522, and they include: Penis, removal of half or more30% (0r rate as voiding dysfunction). The VA assigns a disability rating for scars, from 10% up to 80%. Combat Craig 07/08/2022 To win your VA disability compensation claim, you must demonstrate three things: a medical diagnosis, a connection to active duty military service (nexus), and. Why would the website send you to a doctor? You just need to sign up for The Free Content Area. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. These fuc*stains wanted $5000 if they successfully got me rated p&t. His frustration with the8-step VA disability claims processled him to createVA Claims Insider,which provides U.S. military veterans with tips, strategies, and lessons learned for successfully submitting or re-submitting a winning VA disability compensation claim. The VA usually wont even take and if the evidence for doctors from these places. Cardiovascular conditions, in contrast, only qualified disabled veterans for a disability rating of 100% just 13% of the time. Youve been successfully subscribed to our newsletter! We are Veterans helping Veterans!Become an Elite Member and work with our Veteran Coaches to get the rating you deserve! How VA claims insider hasn't been shut down by now blows my mind. Why do I only have a 30% mental health rating from the VA? If you do all this correct you will have filed a winning VA claim. Serves veterans nationwide and in Puerto Rico. We know the pain of feeling stuck, frustrated, and alone, and we want to make this process as easy and painless as possible for you. No contracts here, no BS. However, the claims process can be complicated, and mistakes are common.Here are three mistakes to avoid when filing a VA claim:1. The Secret to Winning VA Disability Benefits for Depression! For example, a NP attends nursing school while a PA attends medical school or other center of medicine. Youve been successfully subscribed to our newsletter! It most often comes from the patients oral report and/or review of medical records. Injuries incurred on active duty that are significant enough to rate disability compensation are almost always documented in the military service record. VA Claims Insider, LLC is NOT an accredited agent, VSO, attorney, or entity recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Copyright 2023 Combat Craig == Combat Craig's Terms of Use. After all, you want your results to be an INCREASE in your RATING and BENEFITS. Get out now. Penis, deformity, with loss of erectile power20%. If youre stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! Im Not Reporting My VA Disability Income Because I Dont Have Too! What are considered Opinions in VA disability claim? medical evidence of recurring or persistent symptoms. Thats just me though. 3 rd times a charm on LEFT LUNG emptied of Blood . It is important to have a Nexus linking your current VA disability to your active duty service but it does not necessarily have to be in the form of a nexus . You are not alone! If you're a veteran with a service-connected disability, you may be entitled to veterans benefits. NEVER give your personal information to anyone, especially VACI. This means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each month. Learn more about how VA Claims Insider can help you get the rating you DESERVE!Speak with a VA Disability expert and start for FREE! Making a VA Claim for Erectile Dysfunction is a little more challenging than a straight service connection. For about the price of a tank of gas these days, theres no contract and only an administrative fee of $99.95 for access. If you are intending toappeal a denied claim, you can contact us for an evaluation and we can help you with this process. Competent evidencerefers generally to evidence offered from a qualified source. Thats it! Get DAV or some type of VSO to help you out. $1,500-$2,000 per nexus letter. I know this because I just got rated at 50% for the same Secondary claim. All Rights Reserved. Just got an xray of my elbow yesterday and no findings. SMC occurs when a veteran already has a service connection, and its in addition to the disability. What is meant by Diagnoses for a VA claim? Don't try to go it alone - get help from those who know the system.3. Q. Good luck! Unfortunately, the vast majority of these claims receive a VA disability rating of 20% or less. The nexus letter doctor must write one of five statements of likelihood in the medical nexus letter in order to help the veteran prove service connection. It means that a straight service-connection for ED will give a service member 0 percent. Cheap. So keep it up CC, believe it or not you relieve a lot of stress for me. Since 2016, VA Claims Insider has helped thousands of Veterans just like you get the VA rating and compensation they deserve in less time. VA Claims insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. Dont go with VA Claims Insider. This is the fastest way to do so. If you want to learn how to implement these strategies to get the VA benefits you deserve, click here to speak with a VA claim expert for free. Great advice. You have to make sure you have documentation to back up your ED claim. This is unlike any of my Live Broadcasts. Apparemment, la console devrait tre annonce cette anne, avec 45% de chances qu'elle sorte galement cette anne. Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. Veterans Law Group 43K views 1 year ago Secondary. His Subscription of $99 is reasonable to get the full scoop, but most of it can be gleaned from his (or other) free resources on Youtube and other internet sources. Tinnitus is better known as a ringing in the ear syndrome. Once this is documented in your VA Medical Records you can put in the claim for Depression/Tinnitus. Oh, and aside from Video Modules and EXTRAS, I hold regular Private LIVE group Q&A SESSIONS on ZOOM where BOOT CAMP Members can interact with me! Seattle, WA: 506 2nd Ave,Suite 1400,Seattle, WA 98104. Do what you can afford and sleep comfortably at night. do you ride those skateboards at your age? Youre here right now looking for information and guidance, and BOOT CAMP has it for you on a platter. What does this mean? Why do I only have a 30% mental health rating from the VA? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Please remember to disable your ad blocker to view the ad content from our sponsors. The VA C&P exam is a complete scam heres why! This is a very important part of the VA nexus letter because it helps the VA Rating Official determine if its credible and competent for rating purposes. What is Competent Lay Evidence in a VA compensation claim? He has spent the past 29 years working on his VA claim until. Dont use these places. I did it pro se (myself) instead for $0. Check out VA TurboClaim to help you get started filing. Opinionsare medical assessments on questions such as etiology or onset. We make VA Claims Easy! As a fellow disabled Veteran this is shameful and Im on a mission to change it. That's for the referral. 1y Hurry up and WAIT, at least I,m in the MEDICAL REVIEW STAGE !!! VA Hearing Loss Claims: How To INCREASE Your 0 Percent VA Disability Rating! This Is How You BEAT THE SYSTEM And Get A 100% VA Disability Rating! Click HERE for a list of more than 50 possible Sleep Apnea Secondary Conditions. There are some companies who offer nexus letter services for free up-front, and then charge a percentage of the increase a veteran receives in their monthly VA compensation amount. And from what Im told can be accredited. Im a Desert Storm Combat Veteran with a 100%P&T disabled rating and I tell it like it is. There is no definitive test for it, so its an easy claim to assert, and one thats next to impossible for VA officials to disprove with medical evidence alone. They can apply for SMC, Special Monthly Compensation. A 100% disability rating denotes a medical condition that is completely and totally disabling, leaving the individual with no expectation of finding gainful employment. In this post, well explore how to get discounted Nexus Letters for Veteransto help establish service connection for their VA disability claims. YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT THE VA CLAIM SHARKS ARE UP TOO! All American Demolition motto on the back is Professional Homewrecker!. Signup to never miss a beat with special offers, blog updates, exclusive trainings, and more delivered right to your inbox! You will get screwed., Phoenix VA Regional Office Online Scheduler To assist in Veterans ED, lets first explain what exactly is ED. A nexus letter for a secondary condition is an evidence-based document prepared by a qualified medical professional, such as a PA-C or an MD, that helps to establish a connection between the current primary disability and the claimed secondary condition. Are you ready to Sign Up For a, Heres your choices: A) Go it totally alone (or with a VSO which is pretty much the same thing), B) Have some VA Shark Company do it for you and end up with a BIG contract, a low rating, a huge bill, frustrated, doing most of the work yourself anyway and possibly scammed, or C) for less than $100 take my. All it says is Evidence Gathering Review & Decision and its been like that for 3 months. The nexus opinion less likely than not means the doctor thinks there is a less than 50% chance that a veterans condition was caused or made worse by active duty service or by another service-connected disability for secondary service connection. The number of veterans claims approved in 2018 was around 35.75 percent. For migraines to qualify for a VA disability rating, you must prove that your symptoms are part of a diagnosed condition. Tell the truth completely and lean into the issues. In general, the Veteran Service Representative (VSR) and VA Rater, aka, the RVSR, will follow an 8-step process for reviewing, rating, and making a final decision on your VA disability claim: If you do all this correct you will have filed a winning VA claim, Join us on discord. Youll want to ask the previous clients about the competency and credibility of the doctors nexus letter and whether it helped the veteran prove service connection. VA Medical Records: What happens when the VA makes a mistake? For migraines to qualify for a VA disability rating, you must prove that your symptoms are part of a diagnosed condition. Updated: January 30, 2023. This would also be a good time to understand the full cost of the nexus letter documentation to ensure its within your budget range. Competent medical evidence may also mean statements conveying sound medical principles found in medical treatises. SUPERCHARGE your VA CLAIM! A 2023 Guide to VA Disability Rates & Pay Schedules, Individual Unemployability Rating Calculator, List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map), Social Security Disability Benefits Guide, Veterans Administration report to Congress. While the scarring has to be quite significant in order to getrated for VAdisability compensation, its usually a simple matter to get qualifying scars approved. Need a nexus letter for diagnosis secondary to tinnitus. Because they can influence the C&P examiners medical opinion, as well as the VA Rating Officials final disability decision due to the competent and credible medical nexus evidence provided in the VA Nexus Letter. The VA has defined a number of other conditions as presumptive for Gulf War veterans, Atomic veterans, and former prisoners of war. I'm stuck between VA Claims Insider where medical letters are paid at 6x the increase after the decision or to pay upfront for the letter, cheaper but UPFRONT. Thousands of other Veterans in our Community are here for you. Edit: they dont give a shit about you, they will literally push you to the edge as they are all used cars salesman. Combat Craig. Youve been successfully subscribed to our newsletter! VA Disability for Prostate Cancer: How to Get the Highest Rating! If youre a veteran, you might be wondering what happens after I file my VA disability claim? Because of widespread exposure to Agent Orange, the VA presumes that these conditions are service-connected. In 2023, if a disabled veteran with a spouse and no children has a 100% VAdisability rating, he or she would be entitled to a monthly disability compensation payment of $3,621.95 (tax-free). Common symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries or disorders include: Again, while musculoskeletal conditions are assigned a VAdisability rating of 20% or less more than 90% of the time, you can also claim them as a secondary condition.

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