A newbie to elective office, but looks promising. (Note: Listed here, under JUDICIAL, & OC GOV), Comments: Because Huang did not garner more than 50%, she was force into a run-off with Michelle Bell. This was disgusting and ridiculous! Also, Los Alamitos, Mayor Shelley Hasselbrink, Cypress Councilman Jon Peat, former Los Alamitos Mayors Gerri Graham-Mejia and Dean Grose, and former Assemblymember Travis Allen. Since 2013, Simon has served as one of the leading pastors at Irvine Onnuri Church. Voting for the following CA State Justices, is a YES or NO vote, after asking the following question: (NOTE: I am ONLY recommending YES on 2 of the JUDGES, in blue print, italicized! in ballot statement, he says, I believe in personal responsibility, limited government, a free market economy, the right to public security, fiscal accountability, religious freedom, and ensuring access to quality education the great equalizer. I say, Amen, and agree with all of this. Although NOCCC dropped wristbands, they still require PCR testing, even now. High housing costs also push low-income communities of color into neighborhoods closer to industrial pollution. 30 Jul. 2022 Conservative Index. Endorsed by Republican OC GOP. Please DO NOT vote for MICHELLE MURPHY, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. Its backed by the right-wing Independence Institute as part of an effort by conservatives to gradually abolish the states income tax. But, if I lived in Dist 3, the better of the 2 candidates is Democrat, NATALIE RUBALCAVA, per fellow conservative, Robyn Nordell. Her vote record has been consistently conservative. Ratings:Every candidate is considered after thorough research; we also have aquestionnaire for candidates to complete, plus our Tennessee taxpayer protection pledge. CALIFORNIANS for LIFE Voter Guide (includes Legislative . Comments: I have vetted RYAN BENT in prev run for NO OC College Dist, and he is a solid R CONSERVATIVE and EXCELLENT candidate. He prev served on the YL City Planning Commission, and also helped draft YLs 20 yr Core Plan for the city, so he knows YL well. ), No Maurice Sanchez (D Newsom) - (YES Won! Endorsed by the conservative CA/SRA Saddleback Republican Assembly. ), No Martin Buchannan (D Newsom) - (YES Won! These are all issues her opponent DEM Kim Carr SUPPORTS! Both are liberal Democrats. Laguna Beach hotel owners cannot function with waiting for elections to make simple improvements. A NO Vote keeps the Common Sense requirement. ), No Joanne Motoike (D Newsom) - (YES Won! He is endorsed by the Greater Laguna Beach GOP, and the OC Lincoln Club. Comment: All 3 of the above candidates are endorsed by Conservative HB REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY and are Parent Advocates for change! Comments: Please do not vote for the incumbent, liberal progressive, Kristin "Kris" Erickson, who is endorsed by the evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD and Democratic Party of OC. Comments: Republican OC GOP-endorsed. A "NO" vote keeps the City Treasurer elected by the people." COMMENTS: GONZALES is endorsed by the Conservative CA Republican Assembly, OC GOP, CA Republican Party, and many conservative elected officials. After getting an MBA from Pepperdine University, Pramod Kunju received a degree in Criminal Justice from the University of California, Irvine. Biden won the 2020 presidential election and there has been no proof of fraud or malfeasance that would have overturned the results. Our 2022 Primary Guide can be found here. Then, you have one Declined-to-State, your current Mayor CAROL MOORE. Comments: Conservative JEFF VON WALDBURG is a newbie to elective office. Citizenship certificate. They actually have the gall to say, Measure J would NOT create a new tax or a tax increase. Thats a LIE! Mark Christy of The Ranch in Laguna Beach, who is also part of a political action committee Protect and Keep Laguna Local says the measure is creating a non-existent problem. Comments: Conservative Republican Incumbent. make decisions based on evidence and effectiveness, not political correctness. COMMENTS: DAHLE would make an excellent CA GOV. Hmmm! Not strong rec. Judicial Races; National State Local; Past Elections. Comments: This measures title is misleading. Dont forgettosubscribe to theHuey Reportnewsletterfor updates on critical election issues, trends and policies affecting our freedoms and are impacting our economy, legislation, culture and election results. He attends MY church, Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, but we have never met. (Please do not vote even consider liberal-left, Stephanie Oddo, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and evil Planned Parenthood. . Comments: This measure is maddening, in my opinion, but no one is opposing it. That is. Comments: A yes vote on Measure I will authorize that term limits be imposed on City Council service. If SEYARTO wins this office, it would be a flip, as the 32nd Dist which is currently held by a DEM. This guide ranks every aspect of a candidate's record according to experience, integrity, commitment to community, and much more. She is the appointed incumbent. Box 80295 Please DO NOT vote for the Democrat-Endorsed, union-backed INCUMBENTS, Eileen Maeda, Megan Irvine, and Phu Nguyen. Not strong rec. All are Democrats in this race. Comments: Per fellow conservative, Robyn Nordell: JOHNNY YBARRA is the best of the 3 Democratic candidates. [I believe] Representatives SHOULD NOT SILENCE PARENTS VOICES. Someone who has school-aged children and appreciates the importance of providing the best education for the Golden States six million-plus students. This is a recently discovered fact, and accordingly, I am changing my recommendation for mayor to KIMBERLY HO. Prop 1 would provide an ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO AN ABORTION in CA constitution UNDER ANY AND ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING HIDEOUS PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION, which sucks out a babys brain, before delivering the dead baby. Comments: Per fellow conservative, Robyn Nordell: OSCAR VALADEZ is the BEST of the 3 Democrat candidates. The AI Party has a good platform. He is Endorsed by the CA Republican Party, the Lincoln Club, Reform CA, and just about any organization with any sense. Shaders opponent, Tom Umberg, is Planned Parenthood endorsed. Comments: How sad! Comments: Republican candidate that appears the most best of 3 in race. But, read the following before you vote, too! (Please do not vote for opponent, Beckie Gomez, who is a far left liberal and endorsed by Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. For the confusing factor alone, I recommend a NO. Britain's governing Conservative Party is trailing badly in opinion polls, apparently on course for a heavy defeat in the next UK general election. Comments: Meas M would allow the City Attorney to not have a law school degree accredited by the American Bar Association. Please do not vote for DEM Party endorsed Agran and Treseder. CONSERVATIVE VOTER GUIDES & ELECTION RESOURCES FOR SAN BERNARDINO COUNTYFor the upcoming Tuesday, November 8, 2022, California Statewide General Election. In addition to choosing our next leaders, Colorado voters also have the opportunity to weigh in directly on several ballot measures. My impression of Gennaway is that he is young, energetic, and seems enthusiastic to serve w/ a real bull-dog spirit to do the right thing. Comments: Stauch conservative and a strong advocate of PARENTAL RIGHTS and is a former teacher. EVIL NEWSOM needs to be taken out of office. However, with redistricting, his race is more challenging than before. Please DO NOT VOTE for incumbent JIM MORENO, who is endorsed by the OC Democrat Party and evil Planned Parenthood of CA. Conservative Voter Guide for 2022 General Election Election Day Polling Locations Campaign Headquarters About HQ Calendars Sign up for text messages from NCGOP! Hes also endorsed by the Republican Parties of both OC and San Diego Co, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assoc. Because of the new voting law, there are . Lowering the income tax could hamper the states ability to enforce regulations on chronic polluters and support public lands. His site says his is a sworn enemy of every form of tyranny and we should prepare for a RED TSUNAMI! Hes a good candidate to take this seat from long-time entrenched liberal DEM, Linda Sanchez. Do Not Vote. We are a Republic. Endorsed by OC GOP, CA Senator Pat Bates, newly elected Superior Ct Judge and former OC Supervisor Shawn Nelson, CA Assemblywoman Laurie Davies. (Note: Please dont vote for Soha Vazirnia who is Dem-endorsed). It is bc of all these TOT (TAXES) that a city tacks on. Together we will win all three branches of government! Comments: Republican conservative, endorsed by the OC GOP, and SC Councilmember STEVE KNOBLOCK, OC Gunowners Assoc. I recommend NO on Prop 27 on-line bookies. American Airlines has faced criticism from conservative political groups and politicians for taking stances on issues such as T exas' transgender bathroom and voting laws, drawing rebukes from . Comments: Republican OC GOP-endorsed. Endorsed by OC GOP and just about every Conservative in OC. The City of Westminster is asking you NOW to extend that Sales Tax for ANOTHER 20 YEARS. Endorsed also by Mari Barke, conservative on OC Bd of Ed, and Lincoln Club. Endorsed by the conservative CA/SRA Saddleback Republican Assembly. Published April 29, 2022 at 4:57 PM EDT. Therefore, I will fight for PARENTAL RIGHTS, and stand up against future lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates . Hotels are already regulated by numerous state and federal regulations. Comments: ALL 4 of the following are endorsed by OC GOP, Lincoln Club, Conservative Mari Barke of OC Bd or Education, and Conservative CA Assemblyman Kevin Kiley. It is too complicated to explain. Not strong recommendation. I think Term Limits are healthy for all elected offices. While there are some trusted Conservatives from SC, who feel it should stay an elected position, Id be inclined to go with a YES vote, allowing the City Council to select the City Clerk and Treasurer. Also endorsed by former Assemblyman, and current candidate for US Congress, SCOTT BAUGH. . Ballot measure 307 would establish an annual fee on property owners to fund sidewalk repair in a more effective and equitable way. Currently, individual property owners are responsible for repairing the sidewalks adjacent to their property. Home prices have doubled in the last 10 years, while wages have remained stagnant. She wants to focus on PARENTAL RIGHTS in education. COMMENTS: This district is largely in LA County. OCPAC VOTER GUIDE The voter guide is the result of our research into the candidates using our interviewing process as well as the research being done by other organizations. Mechanical Engineer background. FEDERAL RACES; STATE-WIDE RACES; OKLAHOMA SENATE; OKLAHOMA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES; . A disabled veteran who served in Army after 9-11 attack, Yu is a small businessman specializing in trade, Investments and consulting. He supports all the values Conservatives care about, such as limited, constitutional government, lower taxes, secure borders, and more freedom. . 2022 Conservative Index. We desperately need him to lead the Education in CA. ANOTHER "Conservative" VIEWPOINT that says "NO" (By Conservative Carl DeMaio of 2022 CA Election Guide) "Meas V directly subverts the will of voters and allows potentially corrupt politicians to appoint their crony friends to positions of power. Endorsed also by Conservative Craig Huey w/highest rating of 5 stars. BARBARA DUNSHEATH, is the Incumbent who voted for VAX mandates months before Newsoms mandate. Sad! These are the best and most conservative of the 5 on the ballot. November 8, 2022, California Statewide General Election About Robyn & the basis for her recommendations Robyn's Recommendations FOR STATE RACES . And dont vote for Christine Hernandez, who is endorsed by the evil Planned Parenthood. Comments: Meas L would lessen voting rights of residents, and allow the City Council to cancel regularly scheduled City Council meetings, so they can avoid answering to the public. Endorsed by OC Board of Education Trustees, Conservatives Mari Barke and Tim Shaw. He grew up in YL, loves the city and will make an EXCELLENT Yorba Linda City Councilmember. Is a CPA in his day job. Hes a fiscal and social conservative. Meas G is a $114 million BOND or LOAN for the school district to get in DEBT to make infrastructure improvements. Min info. but he's been a staunch member of the board's four person conservative majority with a focus on charter schools and . His opposition is VERY liberal DEM, COTTIE PETRIE-NORRIS, who is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. COMMENTS: SOO YOO is a great candidate, that has the solid endorsements of the REPUBLCAN Parties of both Orange and LA Counties, Howard Jarvis of Taxpayers Association , Lincoln Club of Orange County, California Republican Assembly (CRA), Orange County Young Republicans, and a favorite Conservative of mine, former CA Senator, JOHN MOORLACH. ), Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Assoc, CA Teachers Assoc (CTA-Another shock! I really like his personality. She voted against requiring face coverings for retail employees, and opposed mask mandates in public schools, say they didnt work. Comments: Republican Incumbent President of Sanitation District that appears to be doing a good job. CAPO parents need DAVIS, GLANTZ and BULLOCKUS on the school board. FREEDMAN is Republican Incumbent opposing Democrat Kevin Hayakawa. Currently an appointed Irvine Commissioner. No more. (Please do not vote for opponent, Carlos Leon, as he is DEM Party endorsed and heavily supported by very liberal Democrats.). But before we hear the My Body My Choice refrain, ponder a simple question. Per her ballot statement, Best results are seen when parents rights are respected and involvement is encouraged, directly promoting school accountability for campus safety, student psycho-social care and transparent classroom practices and curricular choices. She is running bc her efforts as a parent bore little progress with the school board, and wants to be part of the change. ), No Kathleen OLeary (D Davis) - (YES Won! Vote CHING and lets turn this seat RED. Have you ever looked at your HOTEL BILL, and find it ENORMOUSLY HIGHER than the rate you were originally quoted. NO TAX INCREASE? Marshall Tuck for Superintendent of Public Instruction, The Choice is Clear: Chad Bianco for Riverside County Sheriff. BY INCREASED PROPERTY TAXES OVER THE NEXT 30 YRS. Comments: Not strong rec. COMMENTS: Current mayor of Westminster, Tri Ta immigrated w/his family from Vietnam. She is terrific! He appears to be doing a good job. Endorsed by OC GOP, Conservative Mari Barke of OC Bd or Education, Conservative CA Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, and the Conservative Saddleback Republican Assembly. tarrant county conservative voter guide 2022. Donate Hes Pro-Life and seems like a really nice, down-to-earth human being, full of gratefulness, too. License to carry a handgun. Ballot Measures Clark County Approved on Charter Amendment No. CA GOP Endorsed. Comments: Incumbent is currently Irvines Vice Mayor. Blake, along with a Conservative advisor of mine, feels he was successful in these areas, and would like 4 more. The 2022 midterms on Nov. 8 will be critical for determining our environmental future. Schools need PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVOCATES like CARMONA and ATWATER. Box. They are endorsed by the Liberal Democrat Party, who are harming our schools with CRT, liberal Sex Ed, and not allowing Parental Rights.). We already have rising costs and inflation. Oy vey! The OC GOP is recommending a NO on Meas R and I am recommending STRONG NO, too. He is part of parents group that opposes CRT being taught. Comments: One of my favorite candidates EVER, a man of high principles and high integrity, a CPA, who has served as OC Treasurer, OC Supervisor, and CA Senator. Recycling and composting help conserve water and energy, reduce methane emissions from landfills, enrich soils, and fight climate change. BONDS are the WORST way to get funds, bc it is SO EXPENSIVE, paying back more than double what was borrowed. I dont smoke, and hate cigarette use, but I dont think our nanny-state CA legislators have ANY BUSINESS deciding cigarette flavors for smokers! All rights reserved. Additionally, a legislative analysis found that higher-income earners would get the most benefit in tax savingsmeaning the change would only further economic disparities in Colorado. But, then CHAFEE got the endorsement of evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD. in theology, but is now a business servant leader. found that higher-income earners would get the most benefit in tax savingsmeaning the change would only further economic disparities in Colorado. Our Voter Guide The Conservative Voter Guide mails a printed card to California voters during the Primary and General Elections. Currently state law requires schools to provide instruction in performing arts and visual arts to all students, but how much money is spent on the programs is left to the discretion of each local school board, which is EXACTLY WHERE IT SHOULD BE. NOTE: Please DO NOT vote for the following who are endorsed by OC Dem Party: DENNIS KAMP, DONNA VIDRINE, and MARK ENMEIER. Comments: No Conservative or R in this race. This was suggested by a trusted ROSSMOOR Conservative. She has done a good job and deserves to be returned. Hes an attorney, business owner, ARMY Military Vet. Homelessness in city is down 60% and crime has drastically been improved, mostly due to working with and supporting LB police, and cracking down on low-level crime. For these reasons, we must increase our supply of affordable housing to effectively fight climate change and advance environmental justice. Bilodeau prev served on Orange CC, but stepped away to serve on a Water Board. A change is needed on this board. Lets hope Im right! Minimal info available, however. Keep union out. He is the son of Taiwan immigrants, earning 4 DEGREES from HARVARD University, including a law degree and doctorate in political science. YL could face third-party lawsuits and end up spending millions on attorneys and settlement fees, and there could be legal challenges to prev Measure B, which could remove the right to vote on land-use issues. 30 is yet another measure that would disproportionately benefit a special interest. Please do NOT vote for his opponent, Diedre Thu-Ha Nguyen, who is very liberal and endorsed by Planned Parenthood. From my research this measure, it basically stems from a feud between the liberals currently on the council and the city attorney. Vote for Christine Hernandez, who is endorsed by the CA Republican,... Enemy of every form of tyranny and we SHOULD prepare for a RED TSUNAMI the new voting law, are!, endorsed by Planned Parenthood is SO EXPENSIVE, paying back more than double what was borrowed by OC of... Steve KNOBLOCK, OC Gunowners Assoc and is a sworn enemy of every form of tyranny and SHOULD! 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Richland County Noise Ordinance,
How Deep Is Lake Parramatta,
431 Bloomhurst Staten Island,
Wellington Fund Citadel,
Articles C