May 22

does the vatican own my birth certificatestate police ranks in order

Technically, its a Performance Bond guaranteeing that the Municipal PERSONS will be good little TAXPAYERS and pay their debts. So the US created the Federal Reserve Act. A Municipal citizen of the United States a legal "PERSON" operating under your name, has a birth certificate bond. Imagine a system in which innocent babies are being burdened with their share of 800 years-worth of Ancestral Debt and the hypocrites responsible are bonding them to pay this debt when they were only a few days old but never explaining what they were doing or why, never justifying their actions, and never applying the remedy plainly stated in their own playbook? Isn't finding out the truth such fun? I have seen alot of conflicting or at least not congruant information. var sc_invisible=0; Privacy Policy ITS ALL TRUE. So the US created the Federal Reserve Act. So.. people often get the idea that these bonds are an asset, but for us, they are a debt. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Fantastic Article! That means i can atack them without being atacked? The context is a bit complex and starting points are Unam Sanctum, Holy Sea and the Vatikan Bank. In a way, it makes us a kind of corporation whose company name is the same as our real name, but written in ALL CAPS. My Grandmothers generation (born 1880, died 1963) worked and slaved and paid taxes to pay off the American share of the Napoleonic Wars and the Crimean War-even though we werent directly involved in either conflagration. Aside from all that was written, the bull ends with the following statement: Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.". John 18:37 // David E. Robinson, Publisher. And there was certainly no seven cycles of seven years of partial debt forgiveness followed by entire debt forgiveness every fifty years -not for anything or anyone. And that bond, which allows THEM to exist and to operate, is no good news for THEM, either. These clever people and those who help them progress against the Natural Born Citizen is that every step to deny these Persons of Interest, their pound of flesh and become here is my most favorite word Immunities of a Natural Born citizen as opposed to a Article 14 Subject Person under the Jurisdiction of All Governments. A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument and is often used for financing with inventory as security. The Birth Certificate is the government's self-created document of title for its new property -- you and me! A coin, always two faces and nobody ever pays much attention to the side/rim that bind the two as one. Encyclopedia Britannica) and, The Roman papacy signed the worlds first express trust in 716-717 and declared rulership over the world stating that every human creature be subject to the Roman pontiff and obtain full control of all corporate commerce worldwide. Estimate Cost : $49-$199 USD Time Needed : 06 minutes Obtaining certified copies of your birth certificate online has never been easier than it is now. Christopher James website: www.awarriorcalls.comThe world must go for truth and the solution! Like the bank holds the title to your car because you are indebted to them. are you a slave or not? The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. From the moment you are born to the moment, you transit this frequency.They only acknowledge the Mother as she signs Schedule 1 of the Birth, Certificate. So, autograph across the seal, reduce the certificate by 25%, stick it on the back of a Claim of the Live-Life..voila! . DROUGHT SLAYERS THE NEXT GENERATION: FRANKENFLUTE And THE BEAST OF BRISBANE: U.K.s Office for National Statistics found, White House to set date for Covid vaccination of babies, Matthew Ward Message: The Lights Unstoppable Momentum, Archangel Michael: The Great Expansion of Consciousness and the Phoenix Eclipses April/May 2022, Life Tapestry Creations: The Pre-birth Void, The Angels: Sounding the Melodies of Love, Mike Quinseys Higher Self: What Lies Ahead, The 9D Arcturian Council: Help Arcturians Repair the 5D Crystalline Grid, Alien Caught On Security Camera Floating, Walking And Scaring Dogs, Wall Street Analyst Says Covid Vaccines Are the Greatest Fraud in History, Why A Daily Meditation Practice Is More Important Than Ever, Life Tapestry Creations: Confusing Contradictions, Solar Being: We Are Bringing the Light from this Portal, March Energies 2022; Compassionate Witnessing, The Council of Light: Surrender to What Is True for You, Saul: Disregard Fear and move Forwards Lovewards, The Star Elders, Ascended Masters: Dreaming the World Awake, 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for , COVID-19 VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS: 1,291 Reported Adverse Side Effects ~ WORLD SAFETY REPORT: PF-07302048, COVID-19 VACCINE WORLD SAFETY REPORT: PF-07302048 (BNT162B2): 1,291 Vaccine Adverse Event Diseases (Side Effects), HOW TO DETOX THE VAX! ! Healthrazor [Part 1]. Birth certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts." The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of tyranny and oppression. But here it is: It seems that back in 1913 the United States was short of cash. When you or I need more money, we use something as collateral and go to a bank for a loan. Hot. Trust law is the basis of banking. What KH has posted is the Tip of the Iceberg and there are, many Freedom Fighters in groups like Ashtar Command who have organized and are fighting in the. And the copies have a serial number on them, issued on special Bank Bond paper and authorized by "The American Bank Note Company." Discussion about THE VATICAN, ROMAN ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, AND YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE (WTF! The Hidden Meaning Of The Statue Of Libertys Freemason Symbols, POPE FRANCIS FOUND 'GUILTY' OF CHILD TRAFFICKING, RAPE AND MURDER, The Public Charitable Trust (PCT) . If you consent to only being a body/creature then you in turn consent to being owned by the Roman Catholic cult as of November 18th 1302. WE MUST VACCINATE THE WORLD! / GRAZERS: Graphene Hydroxide Nano-Razor Blades In Vaccines! If I renounse or cancel my SSN am I going to loose my military disability pay by doing that? The Washington DC private corporation Federal Estate is actually owned and controlled by the London Crown Temple Syndicate. We will soon have our own banks and not have to worry about any of this crappola any more. Why America Is Transitioning From Corporate to Republic & Biden Will Not Be President ! They have absconded with nearly all our rights. On the papal bull, it says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they technically do, because no one has challenged their claim. (LogOut/ The country needed to print more money than it had as equity to restore confidence in the money supply and get the economy back on its feet. They have registered you and that is the title to your Soul. If the certificate does not have a filing date . When a country needs more money it has to go somewhere also. A Municipal citizen of the United States a legal PERSON operating under your name, has a birth certificate bond. The birth certificate is among the first legal documents an individual might acquire. Are you required to have a SS number? Are you beginning to get the drift here? It kind of takes the steam out of your focus.dont it? As a result, you dont have to pay back the gold bond they placed on your NAME you can be free, if you discover their schtick and go after them for it, but then, other problems shove into view. Thanks Roger for posting this up here. They only control the Persona not the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman. So I thought this is the problem, though I am sure that this 'socialist' system is worse off in a corrupt government. Does Vatican own birth certificate? AND YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE (WTF! As the owners of this site, we have the right to enforce any policies and terms we feel necessary. Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th ed. So to put it bluntly, the Roman papacy declared that they own the world and all human creatures. Mind you a creature is the vessel/body where as a creator (living being) is the soul/life force that inhabits the body. It seems none of us have our original Birth Certificates -- they are all copies. Only God can help us at this point.. We Need To Turn Over Threatening Hate Mail To Freedom Convoy Donors, To FBI & DHS To Investigate Acts Of Domestic Terrorism & Hate Crimes. This creates a private contract, which is the only way that the Vermin can get away with this scam. For a while I have been receiving e-mails from a good friend who has asked me to investigate something weird about the Birth Certificates. Report an Issue | I vote for the latter interpretation of the situation. The context is a bit complex and starting points are 'Unam Sanctum', 'Holy Sea' and the 'Vatikan Bank'. Create a free website or blog at The second is that we have this Privilege by way of an entitlement that can be used to contract these "Privileges away for an assumed enrolled benefit.". This kind of makes you feel a little different when you look at Federal Reserve Chairman, Bernanke, doesn't it? "Bond. Your name on your birth certificate (upper case letters) is registered as a corporation since birth. When you exchanged your signature on your Social Security Card you exchanged your natural rights for a future economic benefit and is so doing you contracted away your so called freedom. A birth certificate is a document issued by a government that records the birth of a child for vital statistics, tax, military, and census purposes. I got a court case coming up and I want to use this argument. 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does the vatican own my birth certificate