May 22

fiddyment and baseline developmentstate police ranks in order

The project includes a major building totaling approximately 55,592 square feet, inline shops totaling 13,950 square feet, a freestanding drive-through pad totaling 5,500 square feet, and a gas station including 8 pumps and an 830 square foot freestanding kiosk. and published in the Tribune on August 31st. Project Address:5251 Fiddyment Road The Westbrook Development Agreement will be amended to reflect the proposed changes. Public comment can be provided during the meeting by phoning 916-774-5353. Current Plan Set, July 2020 The proposed project is consistent with the North Roseville Specific Plan, which at the time of adoption in 1997 was determined to be in compliance with all State and Federal laws. The Council Communication and attachments are available here: On June 13, 2019, the Planning Commission voted to approve the Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit, and voted to recommend the City Council approve the General Plan Amendment, with a vote of 5 aye, 1 nay, 1 absent. Get the ABC10 mobile app for breaking news alerts, live shows and to send us news tips. hearing on the land use entitlements. SERSP PCL 81 Johnson Ranch Storage (File# PL18-0355) The project was heard by the Planning Commission on May 23, 2019. The Planning Divisionfrequently receivesquestions on the projects listed below. The project includes two main apartment buildings, both three stories in height, and one single story clubhouse building. Grading and Utility Plan Properties Beyond all else, we are a service organization, and we are here to serve our community. Local Sales Tax Citizens' Oversight Committee, Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District, Agency Report of Public Official Appointments 2023, Successor Agency and County-wide Oversight Board, Permanent Local Housing Allocation Application, ERP Supplier Portal Information and Instructions, City of Roseville | All Rights Reserved |, Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, Specific Plans, Planning Areas & Development Agreements. Additionally, mitigation measures were adopted with the North Roseville Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and subsequent EIRs to address any potential impacts. The staff report and attachments are available here: Permits, but the approving authority for land use entitlements (General Plan The staff reports and minutes from the Planning Commission and City Council hearings are available on the Agendas and Minutes webpage. At the December 16th meeting, the Planning Commission approved the Tentative Subdivision Map, and recommended City Council approve the General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Development AgreementAmendmentand Rezone. ROSEVILLE, Calif. A new Costco location could be making its way to West Roseville, based on new documents filed with the city. Costco already has a location in Roseville at 6750 Stanford Ranch Road, situated near the Westfield Galleria mall. Please check back for updates to this section. In summary, the applicant is Fehr & Peers Traffic Memo, September 7, 2021 will allow for residents of the project to travel westward on Pleasant Grove Bl. The and the Legacy on 32nd Street north of Baseline. Landscape Plan The Campus Oaks Design Guidelines are intended to address unique features within the plan area such as the paseos and landscaping and provide additional design direction for the Medium Density and Small Lot Residential land uses. Unlike the Eskaton facility immediately to the west of the project site, the proposed Pleasant Grove Apartments project will not be age restricted. To summarize, the project would change the mix of uses on the site. Entitlement Request:The applicant requests approval of a Design Review Permit (DRP). Questions regarding the Fiddyment Plaza project may be directed to Shelby Vockel ([emailprotected]) in the Planning Division at (916) 746-1347. The housing development project or emergency shelter is inconsistent with both this Zoning Ordinance and General Plan land use designation as specified in any element of the General Plan as it existed on the date the application was deemed complete, and the City has adopted a housing element in accordance with state law that is in substantial compliance with state law. Project Address:1875 Pleasant Grove Boulevard The meeting was held virtually at the Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association & Westpark Neighborhood Association combined public meeting (link to view). The project has been reviewed by Development Services Division staff, as well as Parks staff, to ensure the project complies with City requirements. The project was heard by the City Council on December 7, 2022. A Permit, the Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit, and voted to recommend that City Project Address:2150 Prairie Town Way The public hearing notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site, interested persons, posted to the RCONA website, andpublished in the Sacramento Bee. Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, or Rezone) is City Council. Once the new buildings are completed, the existing medical office buildings would be demolished to make way for the project's surface parking lot. Project Address: 1720 Freedom Way al. Council approve the General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Project Planner:Sean Morales, Assistant Planner ([emailprotected]or 916-774-5282) To comply with these Proposal of the new commercial development planed for the corner of Fiddyment & Baseline. Previous Approvals and CEQA Lawsuit: Project Applicant: Mercy Housing California If we get significant negative feedback, holding a separate hearing on the appeal, the appeal will be added to the vs. City of Roseville, et. Project Planner: Shelby Vockel, Associate Planner, (916) 746-1347, [emailprotected] received written comments from 27 neighbors in opposition to the project. 80.57 AC Commercial Land California Roseville Baseline & Fiddyment Rd, Roseville, CA 95747. The requested entitlement is a Design Review Permit. Join the ABC10 Weather Force! Upload your weather photos on the ABC10 app. to City Council for their consideration. Project Applicant: Kevin Sheley, Anthem United Homes Construction LP A conditional use permit for the two (2) drive-through food pad users is proposed since the property is contiguous to residential zoned properties. Project Related Documents (as of April 2020): This Find the resources you need here. The complete public noticing requirements can be found in Project Description:The proposed project includes construction of a 910-square-foot coffee shop with associated parking and landscaping. The City has determined that there are adequate water and wastewater facilities to serve the project. The site includes one, two, and three bedroom units which can accommodate families. Placer Vineyards, a mixed-use planned community, is being developed west of Fiddyment Road but south of Baseline Road in Placer County. Traffic and R.G. Grading and Drainage Plan Property Owner:USA Properties Fund On January 7, 2019, the applicant held a neighborhood meeting atthe Civic Centerto share the project with interested residents. NRSP PCL WW-17 Pleasant Grove Apartments, File #PL20-0154 There are no adverse impacts identified as a result of the proposed project. The housing development project or emergency shelter is proposed on land zoned for agriculture or resource preservation that is surrounded on at least two sides by land being used for agricultural or resource preservation purposes, or which does not have adequate water or wastewater facilities to serve the project. This project was taken to a Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association View a copy of the public hearing notice and the staff report with project plans online here. Parcels F-25 and F-26 have a General Plan Land Use designation of High Density Residential (HDR) and a Zoning designation of Attached Housing (R3). The project was approved by Planning Commission with a 6-1 vote in favor. approximately 1.38 acres, into two parcels (Parcel 1 = 0.07 acres, Parcel 2 = If you have a question about something you see in your community, Ask Us! Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. we delay the hearing so that we can attempt to resolve any concerns Hamburg is constantly developing its cityscape to become a greener, more inclusive city to live in. Please check back periodically for updates. Landscape Plan The proposed project would result in the development of 189 total units, which equates to a density of 17 dwelling units per acre. A Modification of a Major Project Permit Stage 1 and The Planning Commission agenda, which includes links to the project staff report and proposed plans, can be found here: The project site at 1721 Pleasant Grove Bl. The City plans to bring the appeal and the land use entitlements to City Please note that thislist is notrepresentative ofall current projects. The denial of the housing development project or imposition of conditions is required in order to comply with specific state or federal law, and there is no feasible method to comply without rendering the development unaffordable to low and moderate income households or rendering the development of the emergency shelter financially infeasible. RMC, the City sends a public hearing notice to the Roseville Coalition of The company did not return messages left for . Please send your comments to Shelby Maples, Associate Planner, at [emailprotected] or 916-746-1347. The project entitlements include a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment to modify the land use designation from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Community Commercial (CC), a Rezone from Single-Family Residential/Development Standards (R1/DS) to Community Commercial with a Special Area overlay(CC/SA), an Amendment to the Westpark Development Agreement to reflect the change in land use, a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through use contiguous to a residential zoned parcel, and a Design Review Permit to approve the building architecture and site design. Proposal of the new commercial development planed for the corner of Fiddyment & Baseline. Community Meeting The Planning Commission voted to approve the Major Project Permit Stage 1 Modification and the Major Project Permit Stage 2, and recommended City Council approve the text-only Specific Plan Amendment and the text-only Ordinance Amendment. The site proposal includes a Costco warehouse building, a parking lot, a fueling station, a car-wash area, and about 5.5 acres of land for future commercial uses unrelated to the proposed project, according to the proposal. Project Related Documents (as of January 2023): The applicant is proposing a project that is consistent with the existing land use and zoning designations for Parcels F-25 and F-26, which have existed on these parcels since the 2004 adoption of the West Roseville Specific Plan. Baseline assessment and best practices in urban water cycle services in the city of Hamburg . The applicant proposes to remove all 130,000 square feet of community assembly use and reduce the office use by 85,000 square feet, and increase retail uses by 150,000 square feet. The link below The agenda with the link to the staff report and exhibits is available on the City website online here: The primary project entrances will be accessed from Baseline and Fiddyment Roads. I work with a group that is characterizing a Transition Edge Sensor (TES) detector to be used as a single-photon detector in the ALPS II experiment. the approving authority for Major Project Permits, Subdivision Maps, and Tree We are a place where businesses small and large find success. More information about Placer Vineyards can be found here. Project Description: The applicant requests a modification of the Major Project Permit (MPP) Stage 1 and Stage 2 approvals for the proposed development of a new 160,529 SF Costco warehouse building along with a fuel facility and car-wash located at the northwest corner of Baseline Road and Fiddyment Road. Site Plan Project Plans Southern Section OnMay 24, 2021, the Planning Commission decision was appealed. The appeal materials Gallelli Real Estate Off-site improvements associated with the project include the addition of a traffic signal at the Cirby Way and Cirby Hills Drive intersection, to improve access and traffic in and out of the project site. Members of the public may view the meeting on Comcast channel 14, Consolidated Communications channel 73 and AT&T U-verse. Project Description: Phase 1 of the Campus Oaks Apartments includes a 186-unit High Density Residential (HDR) project with associated clubhouse and pool, on-site parking, and site improvements on Parcel CO-23. but made a recommendation on the other portion because there are regulations Project Address: 4701 Fiddyment Road Public File for KMAX-TV / Good Day Sacramento. Commission on September 13, 2018. Project Description: The project includes approval of a Minor Design Review Permit to allow a four-story, approximately Construction of retail stores 2. This page will also be updated with the scheduled hearing dates. Landscape Plan Project Planner: Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or[emailprotected] 80,460 square foot, 80-unit affordable multi-family residential building, with Project Description: The project is a request for a Minor Design Review Permit to construct an approximate 94,000-square-foot,4-story mixed-use project consisting of 48 residential units, approximately 9,200 square feet of retail and commercial space on the ground floor, rooftop dining, and subterranean parking. No development is proposed with this application. Check it out. Site Plan The apartment complex is a principally permitted use on the site-- meaning that the only aspect that the City is evaluating is the design and architecture through the Design Review Permit process. Plan Set, Project Title and File Number: NRSP PCL DC-30 & DC-33 Diamond Creek Residential, PL18-0106, Project Owner/Applicant: BBC Diamond Creek LLC, Stephen Des Jardins, Project Planner: Lauren Hocker, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5272, [emailprotected]. The site includes a total of 191 parking spaces, and also includes site amenities such as a playground, community garden, outdoor seating and lawn areas, as well as pedestrian pathways and landscaping. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Additionally, a new U-turn at Sun City Bl. Project Related Documents (as of October 2022): The Campus Oaks Design Guidelines act as a companion document to the HP Campus Oaks Master Plan and supplement the Citys Community Design Guidelines. Project Related Documents (as of August 2021): Plan Set, NRSP PCL WW-40 - Grocery Outlet (File #PL22-0205) The proposed Mercy Housing project is located on a parcel designated High Density Residential, which was planned for affordable apartments with the adoption of the North Roseville Specific Plan in 1997. At the December 16th meeting, the Planning Commission approved the Tentative Subdivision Map and Tree Permit, and recommended City Council approve the General Plan Amendment and Rezone. The project site has been anticipated for residential development since the North Roseville Specific Plan was adopted in the late 1990s. Meetings are also video streamed live and are available on the Citys website and Youtube channel. Plan Set, SVSP PCL KT-41A & KT-41B - Erickson Senior Living (File #PL22-0207) Project Address:1100 Orlando Avenue Project Related Documents (as of October 2022): Project Related Documents (as of January 2023): For more information on the CO Apartments project, please contact the Planning Division at (916) 774-5276 or, For information on the HP Campus Oaks Master Plan click here, Campus Oaks Apartments - Colored Elevations, Though not part of a written procedure, the Planning mix-up with the notices caused some to indicate a start time of 6 pm and others Project Applicant:Tim Fisher, Van Daele Homes removal of up to 12 native oak trees. The City File Number for the project is PL20-0258, and the file name is WRSP PCL F-25 & F-26 - Fiddyment Bungalows. Project Owner: Robert Pegos The proposed housing project is consistent with both the Citys Zoning Ordinance and General Plan land use designation. Additionally, the project requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a personal storage facility with RV and boat storage in the PD240 zone. The adopted West Roseville Specific Plan includes a total unit allocation on Parcels F-25 and F-26 of 277 dwelling units, which equates to a density of 25 dwelling units per acre. If you would like to receive notice of the hearings, please contact the Project Planner, Kinarik Shallow, at[emailprotected]or (916) 746-1309 to be added to the distribution list. Project Planner: Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1309 or [emailprotected], Project Description: The proposed project is a retail shopping center consisting of an approximate 35,000 square-foot anchor grocery store, a 12-pump gas station with an approximate 3,500 square-foot convenience store and car wash, and seven additional buildings ranging in size from approximately 3,750 square feet to 9,750 square feet. Project Applicant: John Tallman, WP Sierra View, LLC & Westpark S V 400, LLC Interested persons may also contact the Project Planner to be included on the distribution list by calling (916) 746-1309 or emailing [emailprotected]. Project Planner, Lauren Hocker, at [emailprotected] Plan Set, NIPA PCL 35 Blue Oaks Retail Center Phase 2 (File #PL22-0186), Project Address: 1480 Blue Oaks Boulevard, Property Owner: Roseville Blue Oaks Partners, LLC, Project Applicant: Andi Panagopoulos, Cunningham Engineering When a Planning Commission decision is appealed, the project Project Address: 1950 Blue Oaks Boulevard The US$40 million project includes the following: 1. On May 14, 2020, the Planning Commission adopted the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration andapproved the Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit, with a vote of6 aye,0 nay, 1 absent. Notice of this hearing will be mailed or Parcel F-25 (2150 Prairie Town Way, APN 492-013-005) is proposed for 93 units. The appeal and approval of the General Plan Amendment was heard by the City Council on August 7, 2019. Project Description:The project includes a request for a Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement Amendment, and Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide WRSP High Density Residential Parcel F-22 into F-22A and F-22B, and allocate affordable housing units to the parcels. The Council Communication, which includes a summary of the lawsuit, can be found at this link: Plan Set. Elevations A Transition Edge Sensor is a superconducting bolometer device that operates very near the critical temperature (~mK), and produces a very . 2018 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Since the project has been continued to a date certain, a public hearing notice will not be published. Project Description: The applicant requests a Minor Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit to allow construction of18 single-family homes on eighteen residential lots and one common lot. The project was heard by the Planning Commission on November 10, 2022. Project Address: 9000 Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard The meeting will be located at 2351 Pleasant Grove Boulevard at St. Johns Church. The developer and City Staff were available to answer any questions. Notice of the meeting was provided to all residences within 300 feet of the site, and to the Folsom Road Neighborhood Association. Roseville is the largest city in Placer County and called home by 135,000 people. Notices of the hearings will be mailed to property owners within 300 ft. of the project site, posted on the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) website, and published in the Press Tribune. or Project Applicant: John Tallman, WP Sierra View, LLC & Westpark S V 400, LLC Environmental Documents: An application for a Design Review Permit (DRP) was submitted to the City of Roseville Planning Division on September 28, 2016 to allow the construction of a 10,306 square-foot mixed-use building, consisting of 7,606 square feet of retail, 2,700 square feet of restaurant space, and a 3,310 square-foot gas station canopy with five fuel bays/ ten gas pumps for the project known as Fiddyment Plaza. After hearing testimony, the Notice of the hearings will be mailed to property owners within a 300 ft. radius of the site, published on the RCONA website, and published in the Press Tribune. Project Applicant: Joe Zawidski, F-31 Commercial LLC Project Planner: Shelby Maples, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 746-1347 or [emailprotected] Project Related Documents (as of April 2020): Council was already set to hear the land use entitlements, so rather than The proposed project includes a one-story pavilion building, five-story medical office building, and a parking deck that will replace the existing one and two-story Kaiser Permanente medical office building complex. This perspective will help to depict what the height of the buildings will be when constructed. Parcel F-22A will have 82 units (81 affordable) and F-22B will have 162 units (103 affordable). The application includes requests for approval of a Tentative Parcel Map, Rezone, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement Amendment and two Tentative Subdivision Maps. The applicant requests a rezone of the subject property, amending PD240 to allow a personal storage facility with RV and boat storage with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. There are no adverse impacts identified as a result of the proposed project. Residence 2536 Plan in Novara at Fiddyment Farm, Roseville, CA 95747 NEW CONSTRUCTION BUILDABLE PLAN 3D VIEW $828,900+ 4bd 4ba 3,446 sqft Olive Plan 18 in Fiddyment Farm - Magnolia, Roseville, CA 95747 NEW CONSTRUCTION BUILDABLE PLAN $576,490+ 4bd 3ba 2,318 sqft Plan 2318 in Tamarind at Sheldon Farms, Elk Grove, CA 95758 The approved project materials are located online here. Once scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site, posted to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) website, and published in the Sacramento Bee. The single-story pavilion building would house the pharmacy, laboratory and conference space. commercial buildings from 124,188 square feet to 62,000 square feet, and review written comments received prior to the City Council hearing will be forwarded But we are excited at the prospect of a new Costco. BASELINE MARKETPLACE NWQ Baseline Road & Fiddyment Road - Roseville, CA Gallelli Real Estate 3005 Douglas Blvd., Suite 200 Roseville, CA 95661 P 916 772 1700 Gary B. Gallelli, Broker CA DRE #00811881 For leasing information, please contact: Jason K. Gallelli CA DRE #01143594 Campus Oaks Apartments - Civil Plans, DTSP PCL DT-6 - Civic Plaza Residences (File #PL21-0013) A Tentative Parcel Map To merge and re-subdivide the three existing parcels into five parcels. A new application for the Fiddyment Plaza project, under new File # PL19-0013, was accepted by the City of Roseville Planning Division on January 15, 2019. Leading up to the hearing, the City In the case of an emergency shelter, the City has met or exceeded the need for emergency shelter, as identified pursuant to California Government Section 65583(a)(7). The ground floor will consist of an interior courtyard with a pool and outdoor areas for dining and recreation. Project Planner:Kinarik Shallow, Associate Planner ([emailprotected]or 916-746-1309) I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hamburg, working on the ALPS II experiment at DESY. ROSEVILLE, Calif. A new Costco location could be making its way to West Roseville, based on new documents filed with the city. Project Planner:Escarlet Mar, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5247 or [emailprotected]. In total 10 access points will be provided along Baseline Rd. Because of this situation, two meetings were held, one at 6 notification list. Specifically, the proposed project revises the 2004 Expansion Project to allow for an approximately 278,000 square-foot, six-story, 138-bed Inpatient Tower building (on the site of the prior approved Surgery and Intensive Care Unit Facility); a relocation of the northwest corner loop road; and a new four-level garage with rooftop parking to accommodate approximately 800 stalls located in the northeast corner of the campus (on the site of the prior approved parking garage); a new main hospital entrance and drop off area; expansion of the existing Emergency Department to add 36 new treatment bays; and a new generator yard and internal upgrades to the existing Central Utility Plant (CUP). All In addition, the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330) states that local land use authorities must approve affordable housing developments where they are consistent with zoning and land use designations, unless a specific set of findings can be made. 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