Close with quote from Michael Morwood: In nature we see superb aspects of transformation in supernovas exploding and in their dying giving birth to new possibilities resurrection producing abundant life. For more information on the Commission, its mandate and membership, please click here. May your love be shared amongst us as we enjoy the gift of fellowship. How dare I claim freedom from the old-manin the sky-god only to embrace half-baked notions of a MYSTERY which is called LOVE, as if LOVE is the answer? But I must tell you, when that first whale jumped up out of the water, and we saw the tell-tale signs of those white patches on its side, we moved faster than youd think two kids in a slowly deflating rubber dingy ought to be able to manage. The occupying Roman forces not only publicly executed their teacher as a warning to any of Jesus would be followers,The Roman Empire, crucified as many dissenters as they could catch. Surely, the Americans have an agency for this. When you sow, you do not sow the full-blown plant but a kernel of wheat or some other grain. According to the story humans are in bondage to sin and we cannot free ourselves. Yet, with the unique calling and nature of Jesus, and the unique character of these events, it can be a stretch to find ways to [], admin2023-02-20T10:39:19+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, admin2023-02-13T17:15:16+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, admin2023-02-06T21:15:25+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, Copyright 2012 - 2020 | Sacredise | All Rights Reserved, Sacredise | Liturgical Resources for Progressive Communities. The big challenge of this period in the Church Calendar is that the focus is so very clearly on events that happened to "Someone else" so very long ago. How solid? Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.. Frame 6: You are a special and unique image of God. Jesus taught this. Hosanna in the highest. Or better still, let me cling to the promise of a Saviour who will carry us out of this world and into the next, at no cost, free of charge because Jesus paid the ransom for my soul. Little Crystal was only two and a half years old when she got hopelessly stuck. When we set aside the institutional narrative of atonement that the church has relied upon to interpret the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the idol that masquerades as god, the idol whose contours are reinforced in our worship services, by our hymns, prayers, creeds, choice of scriptures, and rituals, this idol begins to crumble. Then there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. Thats the loop which has been playing round and round in me, all week long. But we live in the 21st century and we have access to all sorts of information that the generations who have gone before us did not. Our HEBREW ancestors, JESUS very own kin, understood the MYSTERY which we call GOD, as the verb TO BE, for this MYSTERY IS BEING itself. We need to reach our year-end fundraising goal that will determine what we can do for 2023. Only a fool would leave to search for the stray who might be wounded, damaged, dying, not interested in being rescued. Now the green blade rises from the buried grain; Wheat that in dark earth for may days has lain; Love lives again, that with the dead has been: Love is come again like wheat that rises green. We believe that death is not the end, but rather a transformation into new possibilities. Concessions will be made, and war averted. The prayer book revision Facebook group, with more than 4,000 members, was created in 2017 by the Rev. We are blessed with riches beyond the wildest dreams of the generations who have gone before us. What could possibly compel Jesus friends and neighbours to consider homicide? we invite your Spirit to lead us ever more faithfully to be the body of Christ in the world. Only a fool would rejoice with such extravagance. reflections upon the Death of God Lent 3, Giving Up GOD for Lent the Journey Begins Lent 1, Commemorating Julian of Norwich (1342-1416), Lent: Letting Go of Our Tightly Held Piety to See Our Need of Confession, METANOIA the First Words Out of Jesus' Mouth - Mark 1:14-15, Like Nicodemus we have blinders on! } thanksgiving prayers Easter Sunrise We encourage you to celebrate the Resurrection with your family (and perhaps with neighbors, safely at a distance outdoors) by worshiping the Lord at sunrise using the liturgy below. It was as if my body was teaming up with my mind to convince my spirit to abandon this peculiar excursion. We know we still have work to do. Too many Hollywood movies tempt me to flirt with violence, as I yearn for some secret agents to just take him out! If we begin with what is actually happening in these parables, we will have to confess that these parables of the lost and the found are simply outrageous. Justice is what LOVE looks like in the world. Sign up for an account and get your newsletters right away! jQuery('#submit-action').click(); !P$: \6M8eQU@}gv4f~ _W $>5b?hVQqD%cf(HC +l8Z%ooP~>Q?(`0j4PCI3lho"`1R1ZZsMf7sNG? The question of a physical body makes no sense to the ancients. From desert cliff and mountaintop we trace the wide design, The eradication of poverty is the work of LOVE in the world, this world, here and now, on this wonderful bountiful planet, upon which there is already more than enough to nourish abundant life for all. Moments when as Paul would say, we put away childish things. Moments in which the Christian short-hand explanation of Jesus death has died in you. Leader: We give thanks to God the Father that our Savior, Jesus Christ, gave us this memorial of his sacrifice, until his coming again. Salvation is not about saving us for life after death. Humans wrote the Bible; God wrote the world. It wasnt until this endless loop exposed the presence of yet another face of CHRIST that I begin to be transfigured. by Alydia Smith and the Rev. Another great reference and guide, if available to you, is The Worship Sourcebook, published by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.It's an excellent collection of prayers, texts, and litanies, with worship resources for every church season. God is with us! A SERVICE OF WORD AND TABLE II. There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! We celebrate the risen Christ in our midst. Easter Grace Blessing May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us this day. Above the passage, Anna had written, The Gospel in a Nutshell. Practicing resurrection begins when we huddle together refusing to let our fears entomb us. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord, Mass During the Day: O God, who on this day, through your Only Begotten . What matters is that LOVE rises. As a whale gently brushed the underside of the dingy, a strange calm came over me and I was not afraid. Perhaps a story will help us move beyond what we think were looking for to actual miracle of resurrection. So, the thing about stories, really good stories is that they have a life of their own. The Parliamentarians victory may have looked like the way to peace, but it was no peace at all, it was as Dom Crossan puts it, just a lull in the violence. Galileo recanted, but the Earth is moving still For none of us can do this kind of relentless, reckless abandon constantly. How double-dog dare I? SPRING - EASTER The Dance Of Transformation. Worship Resources by Lisa Frenz, Mt. The story begins with a familiar nursery rhyme: Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the kings horses and all the kings men Couldnt put Humpty together again. McCourt asks his young students to tell him whats going on in this nursery rhyme. (1 Kings 19:1-12) It is about a prophet named Elijah, who was struggling to understand the will of the they knew as YHWH, the HEBREW name for the MYSTERY we call God, which can be translated as I AM, WHO AM or I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE or the GREAT I AM. I dont have any solutions to offer you. I am using it this Sunday and sharing your credit information! One quiet afternoon my brother Alan and I were playing on the shore. to be for us the way, the truth, and the life. The Risen One comes with hands full of love. Infused, inspired, and incarnating as CHRISTs body, as LOVE here and now in this place and in this time, we are anointed to this bring Good News to the poor and to free the captives! ELOHIM the MYSTERY which IS the god known by our ancestors as the GOD who IS the feminine plural of MAJESTY, the ONE Elijah knew as YHWH, the ONE who IS the verb TO BE, the I AM, this ONE comes to Elijah in the DAUGHTER OF A SOUND. Would restore, would be a shepherd, foolish enough to care enough to save the lost, the wandering, the lonely, the one outside the bounds of the flock. The LOVE which is the SACRED MYSTERY which is the LOVE that we call GOD. To ask the question of whether the resurrection is true, and to mean by this that only a resurrected corpse constitutes such proof, is to impose the standards of the modern mind upon a pre-scientific culture of myth and magic. All tears are part of the river of life. More Worship Resources. window.location.replace(''+thisact); But I refused to believe that it would go as far as war. The word literally translates as EL the generic term for a god, put together with the feminine form of the word for majesty so clearly LORD is not a correct translation for ELOHIM the God who is described as more than one QUEEN?) Yet Easter is about a God who bursts tombs of the familiar, the ordinary and the mediocre. Only a foolWould know the joy, the absolute delight of finding what really isnt needed. There are those who name the stars, who watch the sky by night, Contact Us. Resist the empires to which we have lost the justice which has the power to create peace. Whenever you drink it, do this in remembrance of me.]. The magnitude of loss was positively unbearable. It is not our beliefs about what happened in history that transform us but the extent to which we allow these glimpses into the heart of God to energize our lives. Alas, the power of Pauls rhetoric has waned over the centuries. Sometimes, when I manage to muster up my courage and try to view these parables of loss through lenses of resistance, I can begin to feel a kind of reckless abandon welling up in me, inspiring the kind of passion, which tempts me to take leave of my senses, to risk everything for the sake of what is currently being lost. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); The Apostle Paul did not need there to be an actual physical resuscitation of a corpse in order to believe that Jesus is risen from the dead. Although it can sometimes feel like the demands of others, the restriction of our freedom that comes from living with others, and the constant struggle to maintain strong relationships with others are too painful and exhausting for what they cost us, the alternative, which is to isolate ourselves, is far worse. Liturgy Ideas. People: Almighty God, who through your Son overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life, grant that we who celebrate our Lord'sresurrection may arise from the death of our sin through the renewal of your Holy Spirit and may hear and obey your living Wordof truth;through Jesus Christ our Lord, who now lives and reigns with you and theHoly Spirit, one God forever. A neighbour suggested Vaseline. That Paul didnt much care about a physical resurrection ought to give us the courage to see the notion of a physical resuscitation of Jesus corpse for the late first century development that it was. In a world that so often denies or ignores the humanity-robbing effects of pain and suffering, Irrepressible (Personal Spiritual Practice Guide PDF), More Than Words Living What We Pray (PDF), Living in the Promised Land: A Lent Journey (Year B) (PDF). What is sown is ignoble, what is raised is glorious. window.location.replace(''+thisact); We lose our capacity for peace and joy, we struggle to show compassion and to connect with others, and we may find ourselves slipping into toxic and destructive attitudes and habits. We offer ourselves as your people in your service. When soap didnt work she reached for the butter. Great is the mystery of faith: The Apostle Paul denies that Jesus resurrection was an actual physical resurrection. jQuery.noConflict(); The distortion of maps deceived me into believing that it would be a short trip from Bergen to Narvik. Change). Now, O God, with grateful hearts we remember Jesus. If you have not donated yet, please do so today. So, let us begin with our own lives, our own daily challenges, let us strip ourselves of our own entanglements with violence. I dont think that Jesus, or his followers, or Luke, told these parables in order to teach their listeners about the character of YAHWEH. Prayer of Thanksgiving Michelle L. Torigian. Imagine if you will, trying to understand the life of Martin Luther King, or Mahatma Gandhi simply by focusing upon their death. Crystal sobbed. Life finds a way. The precious vase had been handed down from her great-grandmother to her grandmother, to her mother. Out of the familiar emerges the extraordinary that transforms the ordinary. The sermon is broken up into three short homilies. var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); May our hearts be filled with wisdom and spirit so that we may listen to the Spirit, the Voice Within that always guides us toward our sacred self and what is best for us. For if we are clever enough see that violence begats violence, why, oh why does the GOD of our design seem incapable of coming up with a better way of winning us over. Let it go. Sure enough, the vase slipped off as smooth as silk. I suspect that even offering all you have to a wastrel and a scoundrel is worth a shot if it means finding peace. I went headfirst into the ocean, and I sank like a stone. They all knew the dangers of traveling to Jerusalem. A Communion Liturgy for the Whole People of God. Just before my blow connected with its victim, I realized that I was doomed. Introit "The Strive Is O'er"(Voices United (VU) 159) "Christ Is Risen from the Dead"(VU 167) "Now Christ Is Risen"(VU 172) "Halle, halle, halle" (VU 958) Call to Worship. Pray deeply, reverently, and then fast-forward to the music. Well, perhaps I should qualify that statement. we stand against the powers of sin and death. On first inspection Divinity appeared to the seekers to be like a luminous egg, well rounded, self contained, completely clothed in light and amenable to definition. We do tend to point to those characters in order to personify the MYSTERY. 3:7 Little children, let no one deceive you. Our very freedom from ancient ways of knowing and being sets of a chain-reaction of freedom which can, if we let it, become Good News for the poor, as we finally begin to understand what Jesus knew all along, when Jesus insisted, I and the ABBA are ONE. For if Jesus and the ABBA are ONE, the Good News is that you and I and our neighbours, we are ONE with ABBA. 4810 Pt. MEDITATION ON THE BREATH OF LIFE (Psalm 46:10a) Needed: a leader to welcome the people and lead the meditation. And while we are at it, it is long past time for us to project LOVE onto the MYSTERY which is DIVINITY. What kind of body will they have? What a stupid question! My oh, my, oh my In my sacred imagination, I can see Paul sitting up from his letter writing and nodding as if to say, there that out to stop those endless arguments about the resuscitation of a corpse.. My own desire to resist the urge to respond to violence with violence weakens with every report of the injustices perpetrated as innocent lives are lost. Grant that being joined together in him we may attain to the unity of the faith and grow up in all things unto him who is the head, Christ our risen Lord. 3 0 obj Gods love pours out from the grave of despair. God at that moment was transformed into a violent, murderer, willing to put my beloved Jesus to a torturous death. I am tweaking this for this Sunday credit to your site will be given. It is long past time for us to move beyond arguments about a physical resuscitation of Jesus body. But I can, even now hear these stories told to inspire resistance to the violence and injustice of empire, for the sake of justice and peace. The third face of CHRIST belongs to a Ukrainian Mother holding back her tears as she embraces her little family. It was Jesus who introduced this meal to his followers. ~ 1 Corinthians 11:26. Christ's peace is ours forever! Pauls description of resurrection does not conflict with our 21stcentury inability to accept the suspension of the natural order of the Cosmos. Prayer of Communion Easter is the eternal moment that supersedes all time;the vision that puts into perspective all visionless living. We need to reach our year-end fundraising goal that will determine what we can do for 2023. I had just moved up to Jasper, Alberta, determined to make enough money during that summer, so that I could continue my backing excursions in Europe. Letting go isnt as simple as it sounds. Yes, the woman should have been content with her 99 coins. Crystal had always been told that one day the magnificent vase would be hers. Some of the people remained in the fragmented remnants and developed compensating mantras. */ Think about it, Jesus cant have being trying to teach us that the DIVINE MYSTERY was a reckless fool. This cup is the new covenant sealed in my blood, shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. Occasionally, I was able to hear Jesus say, Have you believed because you have seen me? View the full Transfiguration Worship Video below, Yes! jQuery('#submit-action').click(); Listen carefully. When we focus upon the life of Jesus of Nazareth rather than the death of Jesus, we can begin to hear some of the things that Jesus was passionate about. This question has generated more than a few sermons of its own. Such a strange dualism to entertain on the surface of a frozen lake, beneath a clear blue sky, staring out at a horizon, I have all too often entertained. All rights reserved. The followers of Jesus were lifted up from a crouching or cowering position as they boldly proclaimed what they had learned from Jesus. You might say my countenance betrayed me, because it wasnt long before I took my body and its language out of the apartment to the nearest bar, where among friends, I began to look for a new place to live. We believe that faith can move mountains, and that caterpillars can be transformed into butterflies. Its not all about you. So, longing to escape the confines of my cozy isolation, out onto to the ice I trudged, as the cold air sharpened my vision. Standing beneath a clear blue sky, looking out towards the horizon, I tried to breath in some of the vastness which stretched before me. So much so that they confessed their desire to stay with Jesus in the splendor of that mountaintop. He is risen indeed! Faced with the task of communicating the gospel, the early followers of the risen Christ, began to articulate experiences of the risen Christ in ways that the Greek influenced Roman Empire could understand giving rise (pardon the pun), giving rise to the question of a physical resurrection. And also with you. Our friend, Dom Crossan makes the point that, it is not that those ancient people told literal stories and we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally. I believe that in order to understand the power of this particular story of resurrection we must move beyond simplistic literal explanations and open ourselves to the more-than-literal symbolic dare I say it, spiritual understanding of resurrection. We dont have to travel to Europe or Afghanistan, or Syria, or Myanmar to catch a glimpse of the EMPIRE of DIVINITY, for the not yet REIGN of LOVE is already here. 2023, A Joyful Path, Childrens Curriculum Sample Lessons for Years One, Two and Three, Find Faith Communities Using A Joyful Path, The Core Values of Progressive Christianity, Bishop Spong Newsletter Progressing Spirit, Advertising on It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give you our thanks and praise, O God! We are not alone! that we gather this morning and remember together that . One clear shot and Putin would be gone. Anna had copied it from the Good News for Modern Man paraphrase of New Testament. As we begin the Offertory, we prepare the gifts of this celebration. I know that we wont solve it in time to save Ukraine. The Liturgy of the Hours includes several specified times of prayer. Let us pray for an abundance of health, for prosperity, and for joy. If you have not donated yet, please do so today. Crystal cried out, Mommy Im stuck. Resist with reckless abandon, our fear of the very passions which flow from the LOVE which is the MYSTERY which allures us onto the pathways of justice and peace. Resist the illusion that finding what we have lost will be a sweet, harmless, story. Julian is the author of the first English book ever to have been written by a woman: Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love. We trust that with your grace present, even the smallest act of kindness, the shortest practice of goodness, or the slightest gesture of generosity can have significance well beyond all expectations. if ( '' != thisact ) { Well, I deny the resurrection in the very same way as I suspect you deny the resurrection. We lift up these prayers in the belief that we are bonded in Gods Spirit with everything that exists. Lift up your hearts. What a stupid argument. if ( '' != thisact ) { Listen for yourself to the skilled rhetorician Paul, who employs the tactic well in the reading assigned for this Sunday, by the powers behind the Churchs Revised Common Lectionary. Come, drink together from the Cup of Gladness! Our kinship warmed me as I imagined their delight at our Suns sensuous self-giving display as it set. Somehow the Parliamentarians managed with their smaller cannons or battering rams to shatter the wall and the cannon, Humpty Dumpty came tumbling down, shattered, irreparable. Yesterday, when the sun was in the same position in the sky as it is now, we insisted that it was an hour later. Second Sunday of Advent. window.location.replace(''); Re-create us too, we pray, by your holy Word. We ask you to bless this bread and this cup. towards ourselves and towards all living beings. Let us repent, metanoia Let us think new thoughts. For GOD is not safely ensconced in the Heavens and we do not need saving from our own depravity by a human sacrifice because there simply is no Hell below us. How the living things that are descend from things that were. This communion liturgy seeks to be worshipful, educational and inspirational. Alleluia! Let us confess our sins. Resurrection is a statement of how reality works. We turn Easter back into Good Friday when we worship ugliness, sterility and unthinking conformity. What do you know about the life of Jesus that sheds some light on who and what the MYSTERY that we call God is? They were big giant killer whales, and we knew that we were their lunch. *Leader: O sing unto the Lord, for he has done excellent things. You and I are the wealthiest followers of Jesus who have ever walked the Earth. Father's Day Video "Foster Kid Father's Day". May we be transfigured by her courage to do our part to turn her mourning into dancing. Crystal sobbed. Follow Michelle L. Torigian on, musings about liturgical adventures, poetic journeys and such, Wednesday Prayer Searching for Gratitude. For those of you preaching on the text fromGenesis 32:3-31: You may not be able to tell from looking at me. Imagine trying to understand who Dr. King was and focusing your attention upon his assassination. var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); Just when I thought I had God under control the wild wind of the spirit blew me away. The liturgy wasdeveloped for use during Lent. Try as I might, I could never convince either of them that I was saved by grace. The moss, the kelp, the zebrafish, the very mice and flies, Our count was based on the number of spouts that emanated from their blowholes. Do this in remembrance of me. Too, many Hollywood movies, inspired me to flirt with violence as I yearned for some secret agents to take him out. This week, I have compiled resources that can help in creatively planning worship services. You all know this story. Easter people, come now to the table with Christ! window.location.replace(''); Oh, how I miss those Sunday closings! Practicing resurrection requires that we gather sharing our gifts, talents and treasure for the good of all. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=contact&pau_form=contact_form'); This weeping CHRIST plays on an endless loop in my mind unravelling my carefully constructed images of the DIVINE MYSTERY which is the LOVE we have the audacity to call GOD. . Bert Polman ( is a hymnologist who is a professor and chair of the music department at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body.". Is that right?, Crystal was a little breathless from all the crying she had been doing and all she could manage was a whimpered, Mmm hummm. Honey, tell grandma the truth now. Pain and suffering perpetrated by our species vain conviction that violence is the way to peace. Congregational Prayers (may be solicited), which may be preceded by other joyful and appropriate responses to the Easter Gospel. Beautiful! Christmas, Mother's Day, etc. But as it is, Christ has in fact been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep., Ah Paul, you sure know what youre doing! A quick glace toward the shoreline confirmed that I was well beyond where I would safely swim on a summer day and a strange sort of vertigo began to take hold over me. All glory and honor are yours, eternal God, now and forever. Resist reading into the parables a too small personal shepherd, woman, or father to act the part of a too small recklessly, foolish god. Sadly, far too many of us have been conditioned to look for what we have been conditioned to see instead of what is all around us, if we could only see beyond our conditioning. We must put aside our expectations of a quick and easy fix and settle in for the difficult generational evolution of our species. As we receive Communion, these words are said: You are the Bread of Life. Let me say it right up front: Yes, I do deny the resurrection! I deny the resurrection. In an instant I wiggled free, spun around and connected with what I figured would be a fatal blow. Come, drink together from the cup of Gladness the prayer book revision Facebook group with! Of resurrection does not conflict with our 21stcentury inability to accept the suspension of the familiar, the in! Mother & # x27 ; s Day Video & quot ; Foster Kid &! Isnt needed honor are yours, eternal God, now and forever information on the shore figured. More than a few sermons of its own walked the Earth trip from Bergen to Narvik leader welcome! Was and focusing your attention upon his assassination Jesus in the belief that we solve. This peculiar excursion students to tell from looking at me. ] by. 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