May 22

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Some professions are regarded specially for males e.g. Gender roles refer to the behaviours considered appropriate for males or females in a culture or society. Explain the meaning of family State the aims of servicom; 3. Orebanjo, I.O Osokoya et. Abuses to which children could be subjected 4. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. A. stool B. acid C. tables D. hydrogen, All the following items are found in the first aid box in the school except A. plaster B. iodine C. Panadol D. acid. What are the subjects that make up of social studies? Revision of JSS1 work 2. WEEK ONE TOPIC: Science, Technology and Society Meaning of Science and Technology Definition: Science is an organized body of knowledge which depends on theory. It is marriage that joins a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Lack of commitment on the part of government. God created plants, animals and later created Adam and Eve as husband and wife and kept them at the Garden of Eden. The women menstruate, carry pregnancy and breast feed babies while the males impregnate the women. In some families, males are given more privileges in terms of education, important jobs and inheritance of property. Bride price is paid by the husband or family of the husband. The government agency that fights against expired, fake and adulterated drugs in Nigeria is A. Nigeria Medical Association B. SolakatNew Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by OluwasolaOyewole pages 39 44. JSS 1. They are all human beings with feeling emotions, needs and desires. Mention the factors that influence gender roles. List and explain two causes of corruption. 4.8. Respect: Treating everyone including yourself with dignity and respect. Red cross B. Marriage vows are taken by the couple. Women are not supposed to propose marriages. Mention and explain five types of marriage. 07 Human Trafficking II. Pages 25. Home - Social Studies Lesson Note for JSS2 (Third Term) 2023-PDF. Course Finder Value refers to what a society regards as very important and is held in high esteem. JSS2 Third Term Social Studies Lesson Note - Assertiveness. SolakatNew Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by Oluwasola Oyewole pages 39 44. Social Studies is the study of man and his environments. The Benefits and Functions of Religious Institutions. Values enable people to obey the rules and regulations of the country. The husband should love the wife and the children and the wife is expected to submit totally to the husband. Values clarifications help us to become the kind of person we want to be and live the kind of life we want to live. Disclaimer. 03 Drug trafficking V. 04 Roles of extended family. Highlight four factors that determine the choice of friends. List and explain three forms of corruption. Students should be able to: A. Olorun B. Osanobua C. Abasi D. Chineke. 1. 1. Advantages of Living Together in the Family. It kills talents and discourages creativity. Required fields are marked *, Examination Questions for all terms Download, SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE SCHOOL UPGRADE. It allows the husband and the wife to assist each other. What are the benefits of religions institutions? Your email address will not be published. Muslim Marriage: Muslim marriage is done according to the principles of the Holy Quran. The children will be exposed to many dangers. Biology Practical Past Questions and Answers Words can't describe how I feel. Students preparing for examinations are found of taking kola-nut excessively to read all though the night, Poverty: Those who are not financially alright prefer self medicating to visiting hospital to consult medical doctor. Objectives are goals an individual or group aims at to get the very best of their performance. Some gender roles are biologically determined. Parental influence gender roles as they may serve as role models to their children. Yoruba Pages 91 95. Voluntary organizations e.g. Marriage is the legal coming together of a man and a woman as husband and wife. 1. Word Document File. Mention four steps to take when sexually abused. This is the greatest challenge or. Meaning of Servicom Servicom means service compact or Economic instability: This occurs when the couple finds it difficult to meet the financial and needs of the family. General objectives of social studies 3. 1. Red cross B. Infidelity: Extra marital relationship by either of the couple can cause misunderstanding and divorce. Copyright 2019 - 2023. Women are stereotyped as being caring, less rational, more prone to tears, more gentle, talking more and wanting to take care of children. Protection: It is the duty of the parents to protect their children from danger. Keep the floor clean and ensure that there is no water on the floor. EFCC iii. CONTENT: MEANING AND EXAMPLES OF GENDER STEREOTYPES. 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Women are regarded as the cooks in their homes while the men are to provide the money needed to purchase the food stuffs. 2. Avoidance of intruder: Husband and wife should learn to settle their problems between themselves and avoid unnecessary interference from friends and relations. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Test. What are the similarities between males and females gender? Television, radio and newspapers. TOPIC: Science, Technology and Society Monogamy: This refers to a marital relationship, Polygamy: This refers to a marital relationship, Polyandry: This refers to a marital relationship, Inter Ethic Marriage: This refers to a marriage relationship, Intra Ethnic Marriage: This refers to a marital relationship. In our Social Studies lesson today, we will be looking at the topic "government". Islam: Islam is the religion revealed through Prophet Mohammed in the Arabian city of Mecca. List and explain three types of group behaviour. Marriage vows are taken by the couple. African traditional religion refers to the original traditional beliefs and practices of the various people of Africa. Women are stereotyped as being caring, less rational, more prone to tears, more gentle, talking more and wanting to take care of children. Social studies prepares us to participate competently and productively as a concerned citizen and teaches us to address societal and global concerns using literature technology and other identifiable community resources. They provide rules and regulations which help to control the behaviour of their members. Social Studies Praxis 5081, 5086, or 5089 Study Guide. Education of children: The family creates opportunity for the children to receive formal education by sending them to school and paying their school fees. The youths and children often times seek guidance and counseling from their peers instead of their parents. Religion is the belief in the worship of God. . Radio, television and newspapers tend to have both positive and negative influence on children and youths. Social Studies Lesson note for JSS2 carries the same aims and objectives but might be portrayed differently based on how it is written or based on how you structure your lesson note. Social justice as a factor that influences our values means A. JSS1 Agricultural Science; . A family with good reputation is trusted by the society. Raising and proper upbringing of children: This is another problem parents face in marriage. State the importance of servicom. This could lead to divorce. It is love that binds members of the family together. Mention the names we call God in different communities in. They are: Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. OluwasolaOyewole. It prevents the cordial relationship between the parents and the children. Marriage unites the families of both husband and the wife together. They aid in the systematic presentation of content to students and guide Social Studies teachers from deviating from lesson objectives, Social Studies lesson notes for JSS1, JSS2 and JSS3 has been prepared to be used by subject class teachers and students alike. A sudden occurrence of an event that is harmful in nature is known as A. accident B. suddenlessC. Make sure your foods are properly cooked. O LEVEL PAST PAPERS 1. nursing, hair dressing etc. Family with good reputation can present one with social advantages in life. All the following professions are regarded as male professions except A. nursing B. bricklaying B. carpentry C. plumbering D. truck drivers. Corruption is a major problem in Nigeria as a nation. It is delivered in PDF format or MS-Word format Buy Now *or request via whatsapp Satisfaction Guaranteed Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term), Secondary School lesson notes for First, Second and Third Term Download, Early Childhood Care Education Curriculum -Lagos state, Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download, Early Years Foundation Curriculum -Lagos State, Toddler Scheme of Work for Montessori School, Phonics and Diction Scheme from Pre nursery, Nursery and Primary School, Literature Texts for WAEC/NECO 2021 2025 Download,, Common Entrance Past Questions and Answers, Request for Lesson notes/plan, Scheme of Work, Examination Questions for Nursery, Primary and Secondary School by Clicking or Taping any of the contact below, Search for Lesson Notes, Scheme of works, Curriculum, Examination questions, Join our WhatsApp Group, Telegram Group by Clicking or Taping any of the Groups below, Search for Scheme of work, Lessson Notes, Lesson Plans and Examination Questions and others. Television, radio and newspapers. In traditional society, marrying many wives gives the man a high status. We have JSS & SSS lesson notes. Mention five advantages of living together in the family. Gender roles are taught from the birth to death. Mention the importance of gender equality. Your email address will not be published. Corruption includes malpractice, electoral malpractice, extortion and many others. Careers, GPA Calculator List and explain the types of corruption. Which of the following does not belong? JSS2 Social Studies, 3rd Term Lesson Note-pdf. For instance, the roles of males and females in child bearing are determined by nature. According to the bible, marriage was the first institution ordained by God. Tuwo, Kunnu and Fura are popular foods among the A. Itsekins B. Nupes C. Igbiras, The following are qualities of a rotten food except A. growing mucous B. changing original colour C. it smells D. retains its original colour. Males can perform manual jobs while females take care of domestic duties. Bareness: This is when the wife could not give birth to children. With our Social Studies lesson notes JSS1, JSS2 and JSS3, you don't have to worry about a lack of material for teaching. The Edo people call God Osanobwa. Respect: Treating everyone including yourself with dignity and respect. Poorly Cooked Foods: The food that is not properly or well cooked. This could lead to divorce. People will like to associate with families that have good reputation. Pry School Lesson notes will soon be ready. In marriage, bride price is paid by the _______ A. groom B. bride C. brides family D. friend of the bride. Values clarifications prevent us from making mistakes in life. Select many subjects together in one subscription at a discounted price. More funds should be provided and necessary laws should be made to ease their job, What do you understand by drug trafficking. It is called ordinance marriage. Males are stereotyped as being the following except A. caring B. uncaring C. strong D. brave. Words can't describe how I feel. Mathematics Topical Question and Answers Please note that Social Studies lesson note for JSS2 provided here for Third Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work. Pages 39 44. Mention five negative effects of gender stereotypes. 2. Women are not supposed to propose marriages. The following are gender similarities except A. males and females have the same genitals B. the essential needs of both males and females are the same C. they both go through puberty and romantic feelings D. they can play different games. It poverty alleviation programme more skill acquisition centers should be established in all to call government in Nigeria so that more youth can learn skills that can earn them income legally, Support for law enforcement against government of should give more support to NDLEA police and other agencies fighting drug trafficking in Nigeria. Court Marriage: Court marriage is performed in a court registry by a court registrar or a magistrate. They co-ordinate and enforce all economic and financial crime laws. Macmillan Social Studies book 2 by M.A. List types of group behavior. It is the man in most cases that approaches the girl and asks her to be his wife. Privacy Policy This could be as a result of misunderstanding and constant quarrelling, Divorce: Divorce occurs when the marriage has been dissolved with a legal document backing up the separation. Females are stereotyped as being the following except A. caring B. talking more C. talking less D. more prone to tears. Harmful substances are food, water, fruits or drugs that are unfit for human consumption. All the following are stale foods except A. food that have lost its freshness B. food that is dry C. food that is still fresh D. food that is old. Orebanjo, I.O Osokoya et. HIV/AIDS etc. A. Watch FREE Video Lessons for Best Grades & Academic Success Course Information Categories: JSS 2 Learncurve Social Studies. What are the steps to take when accident occur in the school? Religious institutions teach their members to believe that God can help them in times of trouble. One of the following is the importance of values A. al. they are always peaceful and react the same way to what they watch for distance after the end of a march, almost everyone wants to analyze the lost goal chars and so on, Peaceful Demonstration of protest: This type of group behaviour accurse when people peacefully show their grievances for neglect marginalization ordinal of their right over a period of time. A sudden occurrence of an event that is harmful in nature is known as A. accident B. suddenness C. substance D. emergency, Which of the following chemicals should be carefully handled in the science laboratory? One of the following is not an importance of gender equality A. males and females are human beings B. males and females are parties in a relationship C. it promotes violence D. it enhances justice and equality. We have provided you with Social Studies JSS1's first-term scheme of works only so that you get a preview. Some professions are regarded as exclusive career for males. Intake of herd drugs like marijuana heroin, cocaine and many others, Frequent intake of alcohol kola-nut, coffee, analgesic tablets etc, Habitual, intake of drug even when it is unnecessary, Bad company close contact with those who take Indian hemp, cocaine may negatively influence someone to start the bad hobbit habit, Need to suspend psychological problems. Values clarifications help us to become the kind of person we want to be and live the kind of life we want to live. Meaning of marriage When people break these stereotypes, they are sometimes forced by their culture to accept them or be ostracized by their communities. Which of the following accidents is not likely to occur in a school A. burns B. electric shock C. fall D. plane crash. Mass action: This refers to group sopranos actions to an incident. Gender also refers to the sum total of cultural values, attitudes roles, practices and characteristics based on sex. What name do the Igbos call their God? Value clarifications serve as a guide to achieve set goals in life. Pages 91 95. FIRST TERM JSS2 SOCIAL STUDIES EXAMINATION QUESTIONS - EDUDELIGHT.COM THEORY:Instruction: Answer only three questions from this session! Always look out for the expiry dates of drugs and packaged foods and drinks before consumption.

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