If any bugs arise, please report them! Now both players send a signal to the server to end the match, Server Lobbies: Fixed bug where the host re-assignment (when the host leaves) wasn't assigning to the right person (the most senior player remaining), Modding: If one player picks Pork in default orange, and the other player picks a modded version but using the same skin, player 2 will be rotated to a different skin (just like how it works with the base cast), Server Lobbies: Added new Lobby system "Server Lobby (v2)" with dedicated servers under the hood, Server Lobbies: Now when the Host leaves, that role is re-assigned the next player in the queue, Server Lobbies: Added label in the queue to see who the current Host is, Old Lobbies: Renamed existing Private Lobby to "Old Lobby (v1)" to have as a backup in case Server Lobbies have problems, Ranked: Made the Back button smaller on the Character Select screen. All Reviews: Positive (14) Release Date: May 5, 2022 Developer: M. Paul Weeks, Amy Xu Publisher: M. Paul Weeks Popular user-defined tags for this product: Early Access 2D Fighter PvP Tutorial Action + 0:00 / 0:00 dmg: 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, etc. All rights reserved. Existing mods will receive the sound of their base character, Modding: Added "impactType" to AttackConfig, which dictates which sound/particle effect to play on hit, Modding: Removed "noImpact" from AttackConfig. Grounder still cannot hit airborne, Rice: Swat Slam juggle has been slightly adjusted to look less awkward. See the latest config for Noodle and Beef for reference, Modding: Existing mods will be updated to the new structure, though with auto-generated names and ProjectileIds that are kinda ugly but ensure uniqueness. @ArmaniAdnr lmao wtf? Onion's recovery on Feint has been slightly reverted, making it just a little easier to whiff punish up close. Im thrilled for this! Windows: Download Tough-Love-Arena-Setup-X.X.X.exe and run it to install You will see a warning the first time you install. Fun fact; Los Angeles doesn't look this pretty. Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. Hall of Fame. Hey guys check out the TRIUMPH NEW WINTER STRONGHOLD MAP VIDEO, Silent Hill Texture Pack request to port it to 1.19.3 plus 2 questions. Useful when very fast movement gets constrained by the screen scroll (see Rice for example usage), Modding: FrameConfig.crossupOnOverlap added. The first hit bonus is down 50% > 20% and the scaling floor is down 40% > 30%, Gameplay: All normal throws have had their proximity range slightly increased, Gameplay: All Light attacks (except Trip) now apply 2 additional scaling when starting a combo, Gameplay: All Jump attacks now apply 1 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Both hits of Slap do 50% more pushback, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Slap's second hitbox extended to consistently hit with new pushback and better match animation, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Slap can no longer be RAPID cancelled, but this is mitigated by the new cancel options, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Starting health reduced 1000 > 950, Buffed Noodle: Both hits of Slap can now cancel into Whip Splash with Forward + Heavy, Nerfed Noodle: Trample hitstun and blockstun reduced on all frames but the last, making trades less advantageous, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy now applies 3 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Rice: Both hits of Slap can now cancel into Swipe or Whip Splash with Heavy and Forward + Heavy respectively, Nerfed Rice: Swipe disadvantage on block increased -7 > -9 to make approaching easier, Nerfed Rice: Teleport hitbox has been removed, Buffed Beef/Pork: Starting health increased 1000 > 1050, Buffed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch advantage on hit increased +4 > +7, meaning you can now link into Gutpunch, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm pushback increased 50% and extended hurtboxes removed, making it effectively safe against light attacks in most situations, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm damage increased 50 > 60, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch damage reduced 90 > 80, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch disadvantage on block increased -4 > -5, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch pushback increased 50% to mitigate combo options with new frame advantage, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Palm disadvantage on block increased -6 > -9 to make approaching easier, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Uppercut damage changed 50,50 > 40,80 (more damage overall, but nerfs total damage in loops, Buffed Beef: Beefcake Juggle limit increased 3 > 9 and has a new launch angle that makes followups easier, Nerfed Beef: Beefcafe now applies 4 additional scaling when starting a combo (matching Onion's parry), Nerfed Pork: Chop now applies 3 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep can now cancel into Trip on both hit and block, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Trip can now be RAPID cancelled, Modding: AttackConfig.addScalingFirstHit added, Gameplay: Timeouts now check the percentage of health remaining (the bar length) rather than the raw number, Pause Menu: You no longer need to hold the pause button if you're playing a single-player game mode, Desktop: Autohide the menu bar on Windows, Private Match: Fixed bug where you could connect despite having incompatible gameplay versions, Loading Screen: Improved load time by prioritizing larger files first to better leverage parallel loading, Options: Added "On Connect Gamepad" setting to change what happens when you plug in a gamepad, Options: Added "Unload Stale Sprites" setting to periodically unload sprites from memory to improve performance (experimental), Pause Menu: Fixed bug where Custom Controls could appear during gameplay, Loading: Fixed bug introduced in 0.90.7 where the error popup wouldn't appear, Event Mode: Renamed Tournament Mode > Event Mode, Event Mode: Removed lock symbols from character colors, Event Mode: Removed replay button from the win screen, Options: Fixed bug introduced in 0.90.0 where the "Custom Controls" button did nothing, Options: Renamed "Custom Controls" to "P1 Custom Controls", Options: Added button "P1 and P2 Controls", Attract Mode: The two characters will now always be different (no more mirror matches), Tournament Mode: You can now go straight into Attract Mode via the pause menu during Character Select. Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written: When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out. Please report any bugs. "Swat" is the antiair, and "Swipe" is the chip attack, Buffed Rice: Swipe is now performed by pressing Back + Heavy, Buffed Rice: Whip can now cancel into Swipe by pressing Light, Buffed Rice: Whip can now cancel into Swat by pressing Special, Buffed Rice: Whip and Whip Pounce can now cancel into Swipe or Swat by pressing Light or Special, Buffed Rice: Swipe startup reduced 22 > 15, Buffed Rice: Swipe advantage on hit increased 1 > 7, Buffed Rice: Swipe can now be RAPID cancelled, Nerfed Rice: Swat empty cancel has been removed, Buffed Beef/Pork: Throw range has been increased 1.5x, Buffed Beef/Pork: Spike damage increased from 22, 100 > 25, 125, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Palm now launches on hit, making it less rewarding to RAPID, Nerfed Pork: Like normal throws, Caber Toss can now be avoided by walking forward, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep active frames increased 5 > 7, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep recovery reduced 16 > 13, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep lingering hurtbox removed for the last 4 frames, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Sweep lingering hurtbox has been enlarged to match the animation + make whiff punishing with Beef/Pork Gutpunch easier, Buffed Onion: Hopkick is no longer considered "airborne", allowing it to avoid Swat, Nerfed Onion: Hopkick hurtbox changed to a normal standing hurtbox, meaning it no longer goes over Whip (animation has been shifted lower to reflect this), Nerfed Onion: Hopkick projectile-invuln frames have been reduced, Nerfed Onion: Hopkick hitstun reduced 23 > 21 so that it no longer links into Light (even when meaty), Buffed Garlic: "Dash Again" is a new unique move that's 1 frames shorter than Dash and has a slightly different animation. For more information, please see our Approach from far away and get some extra damage, Pork: Added "Empty Jump". We are sad to remove the "custom combo" nature of Onion's parry, and are open to restoring it in the future if we can find another elegant way to cap the max damage. Available on Steam 100%. TOUGH LOVE ARENA. Status page counts for Casual and Ranked will include people who are queued to play, Modding: Added ability to download and upload mod files, Modding: Added keyboard shortcuts and additional documentation, Modding: Added the Character Select BGM music to the Modding screen, Modding: Added the menu sound toggle (so you can mute the music during modding and/or test gameplay), Gameplay: Fixed UI bug caused by overkilling an opponent (post KO combo) who had blue life before the game-ending combo started, Loading: Added error popup for the Loading screen that logs stats and instructs to restart the game, Modding: Added special error popup for the Loading screen that trys to instruct what caused the error and lets you go back to modding, Modding: Fixed bug where the Mod menu was hidden, Modding: Added prototype Modding page within Extras menu, Allows you to quickly and easily edit existing characters and play with the engine. This version of the game is unbalanced, dumb, and filled with in-jokes. Now they download only when needed (like sprites), Changed Victory music (bell + stringer) to use Music volume instead of SFX, Fixed bug where karaing could play two sound clips, Added a small buffer before showing KO + playing the bell to help prevent KO rollbacks, Replaced infinite time option with 150 seconds (infinite time outside of Training/Tutorials could cause performance issues and replay bugs), Lobby: Spectators receive inputs in larger batches + a little later. Community. if you already know the Address Just put the picture please! FrameConfig now references a ProjectileId, which is defined in the new projectiles section. Desktop: Improved explanation of what happens when trying to play online with an old version, Desktop: Converted desktop and pi deployment to use better compression to save on bandwidth (zip > 7z), Training: Hitbox display now shows the area where the sprite is drawn in light orange, Gameplay: When you hit an airborne opponent, the text Anti-Air will now appear (unless it was a Punish/Counterhit, those take priority), Updated the favicon / link preview to match the Desktop icon, Nerfed Noodle: Fist damage reduced 120 > 100, Nerfed Noodle: Fist (Far), when hitting airborne, pops them slightly away from Noodle, Gameplay: Fixed bug where the result of a match could change during the brief window after the KO or TIMEOUT text, Lobbies: You can now READY/CANCEL by pressing Light/Heavy respectively, Training: Added new "Dummy Burst" option, to practice BURST baiting, Training: You can now press the 5 key to cycle between certain Dummy Behavior options (P2 / Loop / Reversal), Training: The Reversal state now displays a large reminder in red text, similar to when recording or looping, Maintenance: Improve automated backup scripts to use better compression (for upcoming desktop release), Online: When there's a newer version, there is now a button you can select to refresh, Maintenance: Added some debug flags for testing the desktop release, Maintenance: Added some debug flags for testing proxy urls, Gameplay: Added new Announcer sounds for round/match start and end (eg "Ready", "Knockout", "Beef wins! Let's set up a tournament and invite them! Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with rollback netcode that's 100% free to play. 4. Recent posts by Tough Love Arena. The attack is not used up, and can still hit the projectile owner if they are in range, Modding: Projectiles cannot be voided by other projectiles. The walk speed change has made Roundhouse conversions more situational. If you want your character to be invisible, either use (sprite: undefined) or remove the sprite line entirely, Modding: RemoteAnimationConfig.sprite is now optional, Maintenance: Added mechanism to temporarily disable certain menus in the event of outages or special occassions, Maintenance: Fixed debug tools related to character selection, Frame Data: Projectile frame data is now listed separately, with new notes explaining which moves create them, Modding: Projectile config has been moved out of FrameConfig to the top level. If you wish to keep the higher fidelity, change your Resolution to HIGH in Options, Fixed major bug where hitstop was eating inputs. You should no longer disconnect from the server while waiting for a match, Private Match: Fixed bug where an error screen would appear when you closed voluntarily, Online: Reduced input prediction 120 > 60 frames, Maintenance: Added monitoring to track missing inputs in online matches, Maintenance: Removed old, unused handshake logic. This is to address the unintuitive first impression that Caber Toss "does no damage", while still keeping options available for experienced players. Caber Toss is meant to be unaffected by the Throw Change, as the 50/50 of meaty attack or toss still works if the opponent holds forward to escape the throw (instead of perfectly timing an attack), Onion's Sweep has had the recovery reduced to make it less risky to whiff. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Played on my laptop for a few hours. Added Training Mode feature: Save/Load State, Added Training Mode feature: Frame Advantage Display (top left, very WIP), Training Mode "Reset to position" reduced to a single key, resets to corner if you're holding left/right, Training Mode meter refill sped up to refill 5x faster, Fixed bug where Training dummy would autoblock right after Reset, Set boss character health to 1 to further discourage online use, Changed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.38.0 change to Whip Pounce recovery, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Whip Pounce juggle points reduced 4 > 2, Buffed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, is +1 on hit (was bugged at -2), Nerfed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, no longer juggles + can no longer RAPID, Nerfed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, holds the extended hurtbox for longer during recovery, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Pounce has a larger cancel window, Changed Noodle/Rice: Whip has 2 frames shorter recovery (net hitstun/blockstun kept the same), Buffed Noodle: Slap can now cancel into "Close Fist" for a frame trap (but it does not juggle), Nerfed Noodle: All Fist attacks can now be parried, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy meter gain on block now matches meter gain on hit (500 > 200 if all hits connect), Buffed Rice: Slap can now cancel into Swat, Buffed Rice: Swat now always slams down, juggling on hit and doing chip on block, Buffed Beef/Pork: Reduced Palm startup so it's a true blockstring from Heavy Punch if done quickly, Buffed Beef/Pork: Increased size of Palm hitbox upward to make juggles easier, Buffed Beef: Lemon startup reduced by 3 frames, spawns a little farther forward, Buffed Beef: BEEFCAKE hitbox expanded to cover entire screen, Buffed Pork: Increased size of Chop hitbox downward to hit Sweep cleanly, Changed Pork: Chop now causes knockdown on aerial hit, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Jump Attack hitbox is larger, harder to anti-air / trade with certain attacks, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox shrunk during startup + active to make it easier to go under high attacks, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox expanded during recovery to make it easier for high attacks to whiff punish, Added small movement backward to Uppercut's recovery, Fixed bug with cancel window on Uppercut's second hit, Updated animation for Chop, Spike, and Beef/Pork Jump (no changes to frame data / hitboxes), Fixed bug where touch controls were visible during replay / spectating, Fixed bug where menu text could be selected/highlighted, Added rising animation to the end of knockdown, Increased total knockdown duration 30 > 40 frames, enabling more oki situations, Increased throw recovery on hit by 10 frames, keeping throw oki unchanged, Beef/Pork Spike launches with less horizontal speed, making mid-screen oki possible, Reduced Spike startup 20 > 10 frames, recovery 15 > 10 frames, Added "Canary" mode for special event testing, Fixed bug where users who participated in Canary testing couldn't load assets, Fixed bug where Player 2 hitsparks didn't appear if Player 1 had a Lemon on-screen, When online, stop sending inputs after the game has ended (prevents rare disconnect error), Fixed performance bug affecting Training and Replays where the input display was still sampling the entire round, Reverted scrolling fix, needs more testing, Nerfed Hopkick's hitbox to be lower, making AA and juggles harder, Fixed Chop to be throwable during ArmorVsAirborne frames, Fixed bug where armor moves could trade with throws by making active frames unthrowable, Fixed bug where the game would freeze if both players RAPID on the same frame, Fixed scrolling bug on the Frame Data menu, Fixed bug where input display (Training, Replays) was affecting performance, Fixed bug where Player 2 controls, if mapped, could control the dummy in Tutorials, Fixed critical bug in common "median" helper. Stalled 50% Feel free to update them to something more descriptive, Modding: FrameConfig.isProjectileInvuln has been renamed to FrameConfig.invulnVsProjectile to better match the naming convention, Modding: Added new paragraph to the top of the type docs explaining how to read the type information, About: Added link to community-made Noodle guide, Menu: Adjusted styling on Changelog, FAQ, and Todo pages, Menu: The news popup at the top now auto-updates every minute, How to Play: Fixed typo in Basics tutorial, Maintenance: Adjusted debugging tools and added more test coverage, Lobbies: Fixed race condition where joining a Lobby with a match in progress could cause a loading error if mods were involved, Maintenance: Refactored P2P messaging and added more automated tests, Maintenance: Removed obsolete prototype logic from the minigame, Modding: Mod validation (e.g. Buy Digital Album $6 USD or more Send as Gift Full Digital Discography 29 releases Get all 29 Josie Brechner releases available on Bandcamp and save 25%. Tutorial: Updated the affected strategy guides and combo trials. Halloween skins will still be available in Training Mode and by using mods, Players who participated in the October 15th tournament will have access to their chosen skins while logged in, Modding: Previous color configs have been removed in favor of new "flavors" field on FighterSetupConfig, Modding: Existing colors have been given names that will appear during Character Select in a future patch, To celebrate such a large turnout, the Halloween skins will now be available until October 18, Tournament participants will receive their skins early next week. Keeps the remote frame within the visible screen, Modding: RemoteConfig.keepOnStage added. Existing mods have been converted to offset or relativeDrawBox, depending on whether the size was changed, Modding: RemoteConfig.keepOnScreen added. example : DGN | shygybeats (Dank Broccoli #4227) Pressing Escape again will exit to Character Select, Loading: Moved sprite mirroring into memory, Players with a strong internet connection or slow machine will experience slightly longer Loading times, Total package size has been reduced 35%, decreasing hosting costs and bandwidth usage. starter(251 dmg): 6a up to 4 times depending on spacing, c, c-rapid 4b can combo without rapid into 6a, b, and 4c at the right range. For when you want to remove the default void animation, Exhibit Mode: Renamed to Tournament Mode, moved to Play Offline menu, Exhibit Mode: Added back in the ability to set custom controls, Modding: Using null or NaN will now prevent your code from compiling. Teleport to the ground to punish their anti-air with a Roundhouse, Garlic: Changed Backflip > Jump cancel from Light to Special, to make mashing Light after Backflip easier, Gameplay: Hurtboxes are slightly wider during landing frames, so whiff punishing a jump attack as they land is now easier, Fixed Beef/Pork: Jump's rising attack now has armor vs air attacks AND projectiles (to handle Air Lemon), Fixed Rice: Swat can no longer trade with projectiles, How to Play: Added a section for special jump attacks to each character's Strategy section, Modding: AttackSequenceConfig.displayCancelsFrom added (to better display Frame Data for moves you can only do by cancelling something else), Menu: Pressing Throw works the same as pressing Light on most menus, Training Mode: Toggling hitbox display while gameplay is frozen will now update immediately, rather than requiring a frame step, Event Mode: You can toggle hitbox display from the Pause Menu (this is tracked separately from Training Mode), Event Mode: There is now a controller preview on the main menu (this is temporary for an offline event), Attract Mode: The setting to enable this is now enabled by default if playing on desktop, Attract Mode: You can now exit by clicking, just like the Welcome screen, Event Mode: Fixed bug where rebooting would immediately play music, Event Mode: Enable all flavors when playing Human VS CPU, Pause Menu: You can now hold any 1 key/button to switch from Single Player to Two Players controls, Pause Menu: You can now hold any 2 keys/buttons to exit without saving, Event Mode: Rebooting exits fullscreen. ), Modding: Using the MOD option on the Character Select screen opens a menu where you can load multiple mod files at once, choose modded characters, and remove them, Modding: Added Modded characters to the Frame Data Menu (also with the ability to load / remove modded characters), Modding: Playing with a modded character now updates the Version in the bottom left to make it clear that any footage captured is with modded characters, Modding: You can now share Replays with modded characters, but you will be unable to view them without first loading the same (unaltered) mod file, NOTE: When you "load" a mod file, this does not upload it to a server, but instead stores it in local memory. Existing mods may need to manually add this to work properly (see Rice and Garlic for example usage), Noodle/Rice: Slap meter gain distribution changed from 0/100 to 50/50, Noodle: Frenzy walks slightly forward, but no longer vacuums horizontally, Modding: AttackConfig.snapTo(wards) now allows you to ignore an axis by leaving the x or y undefined, Casual: Fixed crash caused by having your cursor on Custom Controls when the Character Select timer hits zero (it now forces random), Modding: Fixed "404" visual bug caused by the asset loader ignoring Projecticle.onBlock and onHit. Increased width of hitbox, now launches away from where you end up which lets you combo it into itself and other moves. You must sign up for a free account in order to play Ranked, Ranks are unique to each character. Sign in to add your own tags to this product. Effortlessly host multiple tournaments, leagues and events for your loyal members. These are some of those smaller changes after being further tuned. This should make people more willing to go for parries, while making the attacker less afraid of them. Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with six unique characters and rollback netcode. Feel free to increase it if your phone is fast enough, NOTE: RenderFPS can dramatically increase performance on weaker devices by processing the game at 60 FPS, but drawing at a reduced framerate (30/40/45), Fixed Rice: Fixed bug where Swat Slam (the second hit of Swat) would whiff in the corner, Adjusted Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash startup increased 10 > 13 for consistency with new attack "Whip Around". 2023 Valve Corporation. For when you actually want to manipulate the size of the sprite, Modding: RemoteConfig.drawBox removed. Please report any bugs, New animation: Hit Sparks have been recolored, New animation: Burst startup is a little smoother, New animation: Rice Swat has been animated, New animation: Rice Swat followups (chip on block vs slam on hit) now look different, New animation: Noodle/Rice Whip Splash has been animated, New animation: Noodle/Rice Jump Attack startup is a little smoother, Removed the "light stripe" color variation due low popularity + visual ambiguity, Removed unused colors from the game files, New animation: Throw startup, recovery, and whiff for all characters, Changelog formatted to emphasize larger updates. 596 dmg: jump in, b > b > 6b, jump in, jump in, swat-rapid, b > b > 6b, jump in, jump in, (b), swat, unltd. 27. > Fixed bug with spectator latency. Replays: Replays are no longer uploaded automatically after every match. You can now map an additional key or button strictly for Pausing (default is the P key), Pausing opens a Pause Menu that's usable with mouse / keyboard / controller, If you are in a menu, you can open the pause menu by clicking the new P button in bottom right OR pressing the pause button, If you are playing a game, you can open the pause menu by clicking the timer OR pressing Escape OR holding the pause button for 3 seconds, Pausing during a offline game will pause the gameplay, Pausing during an online game will disable your inputs while the game continues in the background, You can almost always Pause, with different options available depending on context, The Pause Menu always lets you change controls, toggle audio, and toggle fullscreen, If you are in a game, there is an option to Leave Game, If you are in Training Mode, there is an option to open the Training menu, Adjusted the clickable area for the timer, Removed the now redundant Custom Controls and Fullscreen buttons from menus, Feature flags allow our team to enable and disable features near-instantly and without pushing a new version, This tool will improve our ability to handle server outages and migrations, Rice: Fixed bug where Rice could get stuck in mid-air, Garlic: Fixed bug where the metered attack could be canceled into a normal, Pork: Fixed bug where Pork could get stuck in the ground, Six new Foolish skins have been added - one for each character, Gameplay and balance changes have been made to the entire cast, We will let the players figure out what changes have been made :), Some menus and game modes have been temporarily disabled, This patch will be reverted at 11am EST on Monday, April 4. 1. When you close or refresh your tab, anything loaded will be deleted. Reversal is a new option that will play your recording once as soon as the dummy comes out of hitstun, blockstun, juggling, or knockdown, Private Match: The example code has been fixed to match the current code length (7 digits), Modding: Added optional "modAuthor", "modDescription", and "modRevision" fields so you can better document your modded files (see the docs in the mod tool). See the Types doc for which strings to use going forward, Modding: Added CharacterSFX to the bottom of the Types doc, Gameplay: REJECTION no longer gains you or the opponent any meter for making contact, Gameplay: BURST no longer gains you or the opponent any meter for making contact, Modding: Renamed version > engine and modRevision > modVersion, to better match how people discuss their mods, Modding: Added "meterCost" to SequenceConfig. You can still press 4 twice to get to the old recording method that starts on any input, Maintenance: Added internal Branding system to easily change assets across all menus in the case of special events, Noodle: Fixed Trample hitbox to no longer hit behind Noodle, Rice: Fixed bug introduced in 0.87.1 where Whip Back couldn't crossup in corner, Gameplay: Fixed bug where character positions could be off by 1 game unit, making very specific blockstrings inconsistent, Gameplay: Fixed bug where teleport crossups in the corner could be port dependent, Modding: FrameConfig.allowOffStage added.
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