} NM.isFlexPreviewFrame = true; These staff pastors serve the congregation and are responsible for the development of the spiritual life of the church. She joined Journey's staff in 2022 as the Campus Coordinator. Service Times. We are a Christian church in Coral Gables reaching the world online. He joined the team at Journey in 2017. }); Originally from Orlando, Florida, he started at Journey in December of 2017 as the Family Pastor. Phone: 833-8470 x2 | Email Dianna McFarland Life Groups Director Dianna was born and raised in Columbus, OH where she married Scott 37 years ago. {send:function(e,f){var g,h=b.xhr();if(h.open(b.type,b.url,b.async,b.username,b.password),b.xhrFields)for(g in b.xhrFields)h[g]=b.xhrFields[g];b.mimeType&&h.overrideMimeType&&h.overrideMimeType(b.mimeType),b.crossDomain||e["X-Requested-With"]||(e["X-Requested-With"]="XMLHttpRequest");for(g in e)h.setRequestHeader(g,e[g]);c=function(a){return function(){c&&(c=d=h.onload=h.onerror=h.onabort=h.onreadystatechange=null,"abort"===a?h.abort():"error"===a? He is now our Worship Director taking care of worship & media team, pastoring them in their daily walk and honing their skills for the glory of God. :input|select|textarea|button)$/i,Y=/^h\d$/i,Z=/^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,$=/^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\. s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', It is a learning and loving process in which . !c.disabled:null===c.getAttribute("disabled"))&&(!c.parentNode.disabled||!n.nodeName(c.parentNode,"optgroup"))){if(b=n(c).val(),f)return b;g.push(b)}return g},set:function(a,b){var c,d,e=a.options,f=n.makeArray(b),g=e.length;while(g--)d=e[g],(d.selected=n.inArray(n.valHooks.option.get(d),f)>-1)&&(c=!0);return c||(a.selectedIndex=-1),f}}}}),n.each(["radio","checkbox"],function(){n.valHooks[this]={set:function(a,b){return n.isArray(b)?a.checked=n.inArray(n(a).val(),b)>-1:void 0}},l.checkOn||(n.valHooks[this].get=function(a){return null===a.getAttribute("value")? t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; This is the kind of church where a leader can thrive and see life change in both the child's . 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Originally from West Palm Beach, Florida, Pastor Kevin is married to his wife, Megan, and has 3 teenagers. :toggle|show|hide)$/,Va=/queueHooks$/;function Wa(){return a.setTimeout(function(){Sa=void 0}),Sa=n.now()}function Xa(a,b){var c,d=0,e={height:a};for(b=b?1:0;4>d;d+=2-b)c=U[d],e["margin"+c]=e["padding"+c]=a;return b&&(e.opacity=e.width=a),e}function Ya(a,b,c){for(var d,e=(_a.tweeners[b]||[]).concat(_a.tweeners["*"]),f=0,g=e.length;g>f;f++)if(d=e[f].call(c,b,a))return d}function Za(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l=this,m={},o=a.style,p=a.nodeType&&V(a),q=N.get(a,"fxshow");c.queue||(h=n._queueHooks(a,"fx"),null==h.unqueued&&(h.unqueued=0,i=h.empty.fire,h.empty.fire=function(){h.unqueued||i()}),h.unqueued++,l.always(function(){l.always(function(){h.unqueued--,n.queue(a,"fx").length||h.empty.fire()})})),1===a.nodeType&&("height"in b||"width"in b)&&(c.overflow=[o.overflow,o.overflowX,o.overflowY],j=n.css(a,"display"),k="none"===j?N.get(a,"olddisplay")||za(a.nodeName):j,"inline"===k&&"none"===n.css(a,"float")&&(o.display="inline-block")),c.overflow&&(o.overflow="hidden",l.always(function(){o.overflow=c.overflow[0],o.overflowX=c.overflow[1],o.overflowY=c.overflow[2]}));for(d in b)if(e=b[d],Ua.exec(e)){if(delete b[d],f=f||"toggle"===e,e===(p? 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Darlene joined the Journey staff in 2010 and now serves as the Finance Manager. :GET|HEAD)$/,rb=/^\/\//,sb={},tb={},ub="*/".concat("*"),vb=d.createElement("a");vb.href=jb.href;function wb(a){return function(b,c){"string"!=typeof b&&(c=b,b="*");var d,e=0,f=b.toLowerCase().match(G)||[];if(n.isFunction(c))while(d=f[e++])"+"===d[0]? :\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,Q=/[A-Z]/g;function R(a,b,c){var d;if(void 0===c&&1===a.nodeType)if(d="data-"+b.replace(Q,"-$&").toLowerCase(),c=a.getAttribute(d),"string"==typeof c){try{c="true"===c?!0:"false"===c? He has served at Journey on two separate occasions, from 1995 to 2005 as the Pastor of Students and returned in 2015 as a Campus Pastor. 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Susanna Consla Orensky, is a light-hearted, sci-fi fan, who loves painting, storytelling, board games, and campfires. He also enjoys the pastoral side of ministry by helping marriages that are in crisis, as well helping those who have lost hope. Get Started. (i=j):void 0:(b.dataTypes.unshift(j),g(j),!1)}),i}return g(b.dataTypes[0])||!e["*"]&&g("*")}function yb(a,b){var c,d,e=n.ajaxSettings.flatOptions||{};for(c in b)void 0!==b[c]&&((e[c]?a:d||(d={}))[c]=b[c]);return d&&n.extend(!0,a,d),a}function zb(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h=a.contents,i=a.dataTypes;while("*"===i[0])i.shift(),void 0===d&&(d=a.mimeType||b.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"));if(d)for(e in h)if(h[e]&&h[e].test(d)){i.unshift(e);break}if(i[0]in c)f=i[0];else{for(e in c){if(!i[0]||a.converters[e+" "+i[0]]){f=e;break}g||(g=e)}f=f||g}return f? Our Community Groups are scattered throughout the area. "),b.rnamespace=b.namespace?new RegExp("(^|\\.)"+r.join("\\.(?:. After three flights and 13 hours, the Rev. 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This opportunity comes with good leadership, a super team, and a location with endless possibilities. JD, or, the man of many hats has been at Journey since April of 2018. )*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { Travis and Joy Phillips are the founders of Antioch Community Church, Phoenix. 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", "+ub+"; q=0.01":""):m.accepts["*"]);for(l in m.headers)x.setRequestHeader(l,m.headers[l]);if(m.beforeSend&&(m.beforeSend.call(o,x,m)===!1||2===v))return x.abort();w="abort";for(l in{success:1,error:1,complete:1})x[l](m[l]);if(e=xb(tb,m,c,x)){if(x.readyState=1,k&&p.trigger("ajaxSend",[x,m]),2===v)return x;m.async&&m.timeout>0&&(i=a.setTimeout(function(){x.abort("timeout")},m.timeout));try{v=1,e.send(t,z)}catch(y){if(! !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) When Dan isnt at Journey you can find him: Enjoying the arts--in particular, anything with canary yellow in it. He enjoys listening to audiobooks and stand-up comedy. Journey Kids is available on Sunday mornings and is led by staff and volunteers who will be there each week to care for and love on your child. what is a striker on a pirate ship, celebrities who live in twickenham, As well helping those who have lost hope = true ; These staff pastors serve the and! S ) } ( window, document, 'script ', It is a learning and loving process which... 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